It was a beautiful
at the beach
off the coast of Cambodia.

All the kids from the orphanage/school were there with us.

I was playing with the boys in the water.

Holding the
younger ones. Throwing them around. Wrestling

In the midst of all this, one of the boys named Chan

a kid about 15 years

Jumps on me and says with a big smile, “Papa!”


Over the next few minutes he repeated it a few more times.

“Papa!” and then he would
jump on me.

It hit me a lot deeper

That desire for a FATHER is more deeply written
into the core
of our beings
then I could ever imagine.

And it’s not that I am this great fatherly figure

Or that I am capable of fulfilling
that desire or emptiness in the

heart of these orphan boys I was playing with.

But for the rest of my time on the beach

I was praying
that God would use my holding, my wrestling, my touch

To convey to
these boys that it’s really their

Heavenly Father
doing those things.

That he is been FATHERING them their
entire life.

And then HE wants
them to know that they are truly a SON.

It’s hard for anyone
to understand that God is their PAPA.

What it’s like for someone
that has never had a PAPA?
Please be praying for these boys and girls at this
Orphanage in Sihanoukville, Cambodia.

That there understanding of God as a Father.

And their belief in KNOWING they are a SON and DAUGHTER.

Would grow ever DEEPER and more REAL

Every Day.