Sweat is pouring out of your body in ways you

never thought possible.


You can feel it flowing down your arm like a river.                                                 

And drip off your hair into your eyes.

Heck, even your knees are sweating!


As you shovel another load of dirt, you comically

think to yourself, “Am I a walking puddle of sweat or a human being?”



Welcome to Life at the Christian Outreach Center in Darwin.


What does any of this have to do with the Kingdom you ask?

That’s exactly what I found myself thinking as we started our time here.

My three weeks here has dramatically changed my perspective though.
More specifically, the PEOPLE have changed the way I think.

In my last blog I mentioned Pastor Merv Westbrook.

The thing is, here at the Christian Outreach Center (C.O.C.), he isn’t unique –

His life is the norm for the people here.

Almost everyone here is making less than they would other places.

On any given day you can find these people:

Picking up Trash

Preparing food in the kitchen

Sorting through rotting vegetables

Raking Mulch

Doing Office Work

Feeding the Pigs at the Farm

Or doing WHATEVER needs to be done around the property.


Common Jobs. Repetitive Jobs. Some Jobs that make you SWEAT A LOT.

All done with a smile, a good attitude and humility.

      (Left: My good friend Albert in his office and below my friend Mark another one of the many great workers here! Too many to mention!)                                                               

You might be thinking that my list doesn’t sound like Kingdom Work.

Isn’t it supposed to be?

Praying for people.

Preaching the Word.

Physical Healing.

You know, more spiritual stuff?


Welcome to Outside the Box!


The Kingdom needs money. God’s servant’s around the world need money.

The people at the C.O.C. do whatever needs to be done to make that happen.

Yes, they do the “Spiritual Stuff” in the community around them

too but God has given them a

Big and Broad vision.

And so they Sweat, Serve and

Use all their skills

To get resources flowing to all the

 Missionaries, Christian Businessman and Pastors around the World.

I know what they are doing is unique.

But it shouldn’t be.

I hope this has helped broaden your VISION of what

Kingdom Work is.