I like doing things I know I
am good at.
And most often, I will stay far
away from things
I hate
something or looking stupid–
away from anything in that arena.
be the man you want to spend time with.

A small biography
of him:
– He is
from the Netherlands
– He has
been a Pastor and led a Bible School.
– – He has
worked on over 40 documentaries seen
by millions of people.
– He has
had #1 records in the Netherlands as
a musician.
– He was
the first European Journalist at Ground Zero and has interviewed
countless number of celebrities and politicians.
beautiful thing this week is that he
didn’t just come in and teach about media.
gave life, challenged us
and brought out our creative side.
was uncomfortable all week and that’s a good thing.
Here are
some things we did this week:
He set a water bottle down on
a chair and Look up the Lyrics to
gave us 5 minutes to write a story
about it.
The song ‘Alleluia’
by Leonard Cohen
talk about how it makes us feel and what
it might mean.
a 10-12 line poemabout
in a style we have never written before and a
subject we don’t know very well.
have Preached in front of hundreds of People.
I think my heart was beating faster the
moments right before
my Poem or Story I had written.
are only 10 people in class!
I learned a lot of things this week but
need to push myself to do things I don’t feel good at or comfortable with.
am a lot more creative then I thought and I think that will be important in
life and ministry.
see everyone in my community in a way different light!

I will leave you
with two challenges:
time this week and write a 10-12 line poem on Brokenness. (And if you want to
be really bold – post it here!)
your thoughts on these Questions: What do you think of the quality of Christian
Media? (I.E. Music, T.V., Documentaries, Art, Movies, etc….) or What do you
think of Christians in Media producing art that isn’t directly Christian?