A week later
after two hours of restless sleep: I feel God telling me to get and up and pray
and am sensing that there is demonic activity in the room.
After 30 minutes of doing
this on my own – God tells me to go wake up the other guys in the house to come
and pray with me. (Its 2 a.m. keep in mind.)
Eventually everyone else in
the house is woken up as well.
I had to trust everyone would be willing to pray with me even in the middle
of the night.
As we begin praying I feel
God telling me that we need to pray with boldness
and then pray for joy. But then He
tells me not to tell the body but to trust
they will hear the same thing.
5 minutes later someone gets
the word about Boldness.
10 minutes later someone gets
the word about Joy.
And before the night-time
prayer session ends Laura gets a word about the whole January Squad being
involved in my eventual healing. (We were separated at this point – some people
were down the street and others in Bangkok)
The body came through that
night. I kept praying they would again.
Fast forward to final debrief
at Kosemet Island
off the coast of Thailand.
We were worshipping one night
and Laura came up to me and said, “God
told me tonight was the night to do something about your night terrors.” I
told her to speak up to the group. (Trusting the body comes through)
Her opportunity didn’t come
until after the sermon.
A great man of God named
Andrew Shearman was giving a message about Christ defeating Satan on the cross.
And how we now have authority in Christ over any attack the enemy might bring. And we must boldly claim that authority!
Then Laura spoke up.
Andrew looked at me and said,
“Come on man of God, get up and do it”.
realization of what I was to do hit me. And I was terrified to do it. He wanted
me to yell. Claim my authority. He wanted me to passionately tell that spirit
of terror to get out of my life in Christ’s name.
Back to the moment:
I’m in the middle of this circle,
prayers are reigning down on me and I just break down and start crying. I’m
trying to yell but I can’t, Then I’m trying to yell but I won’t. And finally:
From the depths of my soul –
I scream out:
“In the name of Jesus I command you out of my life! Freedom! In the
name of Jesus Christ I will no longer be oppressed! Be terrorized! Be hurt! Or
live in fear! In the name of Jesus Christ I claim freedom. For 15 years I have
been harassed but no longer. I claim freedom!”
At this point, I am crying
and shaking. Something has just broke off me. Something is different. I just
feel like collapsing and weeping for some reason.
Andrew has me look him in the
face. Talks to me about authority and gives me a couple bible verses I can hang
A minute later I grab Robby
and ask him to come outside. And as soon as we get out there, I just collapse
in his arms and weep for about 5-10 minutes.
It seemed to be the only
thing my soul could do. The only way for my soul to communicate. Almost as if I
was releasing 15 years of pent up hurt, fear , anxiety and pain. They were tears of joy in some way. I guess it was the only way to
communicate the deep joy and relief going on in my heart and soul.
until I felt peace come.
The Conclusion
Trust .
Trusting God
through trusting the body of Christ. If you read through all three blogs I did
about my Night Terrors – God telling me to trust the body is the main thread
through the whole process. And in the end my healing (like He said) did come
through the body. And I learned to give up my control and self-suffiency.
The Authority I Have.
Leaning to claim
the authority I have in Jesus Christ. Not only over demonic oppression but over
any attack of the enemy as well.
What I Do Every Night.
Every night I
read Luke 10:19 (Look it up) and I claim authority over the enemy in Jesus’
name. I rebuke terror and fear and I invite the presence and peace of Jesus
Christ into the room.
Then I read
Psalms 3:5 and 4:8 and claim a peaceful, protected night of sleep in Jesus
Have I had one since?
I actually did
have one since I have been home. But I believe this healing and freedom is a
continual process and as I walk in it -it will be birthed in my life.
First, I want to thank my World Race
body. Thank you caring. Thank you fighting with me all year long. Thank you to
the many people that prayed with me every night before I went to sleep.
Thank you for getting up in the middle
of the night. And for listening to the Lord. All of you beared this burden with
me , fought for me and the result was healing and freedom. Thank You!
And I also want to thank everyone else
that has ever prayed for me about this struggle. (Way too many to name).
And for the many others that walked
along side me in this struggle this past 15 years. (That includes my parents,
family, roommates and close friends)
All of you played a huge role in this!