Dear Family and Friends:

I am
becoming more and more convinced that a life lived close to God’s promptings
and leading is never comfortable. The definition of what is “uncomfortable” may
change from person to person but I know that as we seek to follow Him, He
constantly calls us and asks us to do things that we are not “comfortable”
with. It is during those stretching times that we really grow in our faith.

During my
final year of school I asked the Lord to do whatever He needed to do to take me
deeper in my walk with Him and to use all of my life to further His kingdom.
So, the Lord asked me to do a pretty uncomfortable thing called,
The World Race, a year long program done
by an organization called
Adventures in

Basically, we will be traveling
the globe in teams of six to places like Central and South America, Eastern
Europe, Asia and
Africa. It is an 11 country
in 11 month program designed to challenge young people to give up everything
and follow Jesus.
In each place we will
partner with local ministries serving the poor and spreading the love of Jesus
wherever we go.

and servant hood are huge keys to this trip. We will be living simply and
traveling in a variety of ways. In some places we will be staying in churches
and in others we will be camping out. The type of travel will vary but we will
always be depending on God’s grace and provision. It is designed to be a
radical and transforming process that forces people to rely on God.

To be quite
honest, I am scared and excited at the same time. This trip is going to stretch
and break me in ways I can’t imagine. I know it will be an invaluable
experience that will prepare me for the rest of my life. I feel like this set
apart year will help me become the lover of God and people that I was created
to be. It is going to be humbling and life-changing to live simply like the
poor, but I know I need it.

program will allow me to learn how to love and how to reach out to those who
have nothing. I will be able to be discipled and trained in various areas of
ministry, all the while discovering myself and who I am in Christ.

This is an
unbelievable opportunity I have been given and part of this stretching process
for me is trusting He will meet my needs. For this trip, I need to raise 13,800
dollars, which seems like such a large amount but I know He will provide.

Philippians 1:4-5 says this, “In all my
prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in
the gospel from the first day until now.”
This is how I honestly feel about
raising this money. Paul’s ministry would not have existed without his
supporters and this is the same for ministers today. This trip is not possible
without you! I wish I could get across how passionately I feel about this. We
are truly partners and together we will be furthering the
kingdom of

goes on to say in Philippians 4:17, “Not that I desire your gifts; what I
desire is that more be credited to your account.”
I know the Lord will
bless you for your generosity and prayers. My prayer is that he will do it
through you and we can both be blessed because of it! I would be honored if you
could partner prayerfully and financially with me in this ministry.

rI strongly urge you to email or
call me if you have any questions or want to support me. I would love to be
able to talk to all of the people that are partnering with me in this ministry.
You will find my phone number, home address and email address at the bottom
right corner.
Please take time to pray
about your involvement in this ministry!

You can find out more about the
organization I am going with,
in Missions
, at
The world race website is
Throughout the whole trip I will be doing what they call “blogging” which
basically means every week or two, I will be updating everyone on my website. I
will be sharing what God is teaching me and what we are doing in our ministry.

Photos and videos of my trip will
also be posted. This will be a great way for you, my supporters, to stay in
touch and know what is going on. My blog site is
You will also be able to leave me messages as I am traveling. Please contact me
if you have any questions or just to catch up!




4063 4th Street

East Moline

Phone #



[email protected]