Backstory for the two videos:

1) The Lion we lived by escaped from his first set of fence. Now, imagine that only a thin metal fence seperates you and the King of Beasts. Okay……..enjoy the video!

2) Check out our awesome squad leader Rusty Jackson’s video!

*Where I’m At Update:

I and the rest of team Kaleo arrived in Beira, Mozambique yesterday. After a 3 and 18 hour bus ride the past two days. And yes it was as fun as it sounds!

We are staying at a house of a lady named Mama Rita and assisting a local blind Pastor named Peter. This house has 32 orphans living and sleeping in a place probaly as big as your living room.

But it has so much joy! The kids are awesome and Mama Rita is always smiling and laughing.

Please be praying I can maintain a servant’s heart and mindset instead of concetrating on how to fufill my own needs.

I’m excited to introduce all of you to this amazing mom and her precious kids in the next couple weeks!

Love you guys!