And I knew what the Lord wanted me to do.
I could hear Him saying to me, “This is the time. Don’t wait, don’t put it off. Pray for the lady standing in front of you.”
Let me pause for a sec and give you some background:
My team and I along with our host here in Cape Town, Tom, were at a church service. A Hillsong Church to be exact.
I was in the middle of enjoying worship when Tom tapped me on the arm and said, “The lady standing in front of us, I think she might be going through something tough.” I paused and decided to spend sometime asking the Lord.
The first thing I heard from the Lord was that she was going through a divorce and she just needed some words of reassurance of Jesus’ love for her. I was pretty stinking nervous about delivering such a personal word to a stranger, so I asked Andi to she if she got something for the same lady.
She got nothing.
About 20 minutes had passed and although my confidence in believing I had heard correctly from the Lord was waning, I knew for sure He wanted me to pray for her.
And so I stood there with my heart pounding. Wandering if I had enough confidence to pray for a complete stranger.
I tapped her on the shoulder and her hand immediately clasped tightly onto mine. She turned around with tears already in her eyes and I said, ” I’m not sure why but the Lord has laid you on my heart all night. I was wandering if I could pray for you. Are you going through anything difficult right now?”
She explained to me that she and her husband were both in a car accident just last week. And that her husband was going through surgery the next day. And I thought to myself….
Okay, I was wrong about the divorce but she definitely needs prayer.
And so I prayed for her, Tom along with me. And it was amazing! We prayed for release of the burdens she was bearing and for healing.
We talked to her after the service, exchanged information and received a lot of hugs and thank you’s from both her (Edna) and her daughter that was with her.
The next day, I called her daughter and found out when the surgery was and where the hospital was. And after finding out if it was okay, my team and I drove out to be with her while her husband was in surgery.
And oh man, if you could have seen the look on her face when we showed up! She was just bubbling over with joy. We found out that her husband, who had been in constant pain since the accident even up until the time of the church service, had woke up the next morning completely pain free. And that her chest that was hurt in the accident was significantly healed the morning after the church service as well!
We were able to pray with her husband Terrence before the surgery and give Edna some company and encouragement while it was going on.
The whole day Edna hugged and kissed us and kept telling us how grateful she was for us. In her own words, we were her ‘special little angels’. But even more she shared with us, how encouraged she was in her faith and Jesus’ love.
Just to let you know, the surgery was a complete success. And he is now home safe and recovering.
And by the way………..while talking with Edna during the surgery, I found out that her daughter, who was holding hands with her during the worship service, is going through a divorce.
And I was able to call her and reassure her of the Lord’s love during this tough time in her life.
Not so you can be impressed by all the ‘good things’ I’m doing.
Nor is it to inspire you to get out on the ‘mission field’ like I am.
I tell you this story because it’s the perfect example of how the Lord used imperfect but obedient vessels.
I tell you this story because all of this happened during a routine life event (going to church).
I tell you this story because it happened in Cape Town, a city so westernized that you think you are in America sometimes.
I was very exited to tell you this story. Because I feel like I am constantly telling you stories about all the exiting things happening in far away places. And although, they might encourage or challenge you, you walk away unsure of what it means to your life in America.
Because opportunities like that are all around you every day.
Because simple acts of love and kindness are the things that make the biggest difference in the world.
want to thank all of you that have supported this year. We have made a
lot of progress support wise since January.

Edna , Terrence and I at the hospital.