Update of life in Colorado Springs.
I have officially about 2 months left here in Colorado. It has been a good season of life and transition for me.
I have learned a lot about hearing and obeying God’s voice, to not fight against the season God has you in and
some more things about community. 
I am grateful for my job as a server but very ready to be done! And although it will be tough
to leave the people and beauty of Colorado – I am very excited to go back out on the World Race.

I have training camp in one week! (From the 16th to the 25th)
So, please be praying for:
1) God’s preparation of my heart
2) That I would have God’s eyes in seeing my future teammates. 
3) And that SUPPORT would come in.
(Right now I have 1,370 dollars in support)
A few pics of some of the camping and hiking I have been able to do!
 Stanley Canyon at the Air Force Base

A Back View of Pikes Peak
 The Next Six Pictures Are From Rocky Mountain National Park

 Cheyenne Canyon in Colorado Springs

 These last three pictures are all from climbing Pike’s Peak.