This is going to be short and sweet.
I finally got around to watching a documentary called Invisible Children.
For those of you haven’t seen it –  It is about a 23 year long war in Uganda between the national government and a rebel group called the Lord’s Resistance Army. (LRA) During the course of this war hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced and thousands more brutally murdered. One of the largest tragedies of this war though is the abduction of children by the rebel group the LRA to fight in the war.
Children (ages 5-12) are stolen from their villages at night by the LRA and taken out to the bush. There they are forced to commit or watch brutal acts of murder to de-sensitize them. Then under threats of murder to them and their family, they are forced to join the war against the national government. (For more about the history click here)
 There is no human way possible to describe what is going on there.
As I watched this documentary:
Memories flooded back to me of my time in Africa. The kids who stole my heart at 

And the faces of all the beautiful children I came across in Swaziland.
 And that made the movie extremely real and surreal at the same time.
Real Because:
After being in Africa it wasn’t that shocking or hard to imagine something like that going on.
I could easily swap the faces and bloated bellies of the kids in the movie with the kids I saw in real life.
Surreal Because:
 I’m not in Africa right now. I’m in a nice suburban neighborhood in Colorado Springs where I watched the documentary in a comfortable bed with a belly full of food from the overflowing pantry in my house.
After being back in the States for 3 months now the memories and people(from the Race) that I saw struggling and suffering around the world are now starting to fade from my memory. And fade from my life.
We are called to love the “least of these”. To care for the widow and orphan. To live for justice and mercy. (Matthew 25, James 1:27, Micah 6:8)
And so I struggle…
How do I do this in the States?
They aren’t suggestions. Or a good things I can do. Or good causes to be involved in.
They are mandates from my Savior.
The true signs of being a disciple of Jesus. (I John 3:17-18)
And absolutely necessary in a world where 8 year old’s are forced to kill.
I was on my knees in prayer after the movie.
“Father, please I want my life to count for the least of these. I don’t ever want to forget the suffering of those around the world. I desperately want to be your hands and feet. Please, no matter where I am living make my life count for justice and the oppressed. “
The good news is :
There is something we all can do about this right where we are at.
If you haven’t seen the movie. GO SEE IT! Find someone that has a copy or go to the official website for more info.
If you have seen the movie. This the perfect time to get involved again. A massive amount of people and resources is currently being organized for a push towards April 25th. It is being dubbed, The Rescue of Joseph Kony’s Child Soilders. April 25th, 2009.
For  a short two minute video:
Pray. Don’t stop struggling with the issues of injustice, poverty and hurt in this world.