I had been waiting for the reply email for about a week………..

Every couple hours I would check
my inbox……………..Nothing.

Then finally, it was there, but I was too scared to look.

In fact, I waited until later that night to finally read it.

Ten months earlier I was tramping (hiking/camping) through New Zealand and someone
had asked me:

“If you could do anything – what would
you do next year?”

Immediately without thinking my heart
blurted out this
response –

“I would move back to Colorado Springs and find a way to work

with John Eldridge

and his Ransomed Heart Ministries.”

I knew it was a silly response because
there were numerous reasons that would never

But throughout the 2010 World Race, I couldn’t shake it.

Every time I would talk about it, my heart would leap and my eyes would light

When I was 19 years old, a friend started a men’s study on
Eldridge’s book – Wild at Heart.

It was that study and that book that set off the radical transformation that has
taken place in my life these past 7 years.

His books Sacred Romance, The Journey of Desire and Waking the Dead proved to be just as pivotal in those shaping
years during College.

In 2009, God provided an amazing opportunity to meet and talk
with Eldridge at his offices in Colorado Springs for about an hour.

(Detailed in this blog:Meeting John Eldredge)

As I walked away I knew there was so much I could learn from

I had his assistants email address.

 So in month 10 of the Race I
finally sat down and wrote THE email.
No matter what happened
knew I had to go for it.

I told them I would come on full time, part time, volunteer and be paid anything to nothing – if they

would just let me
come out
and learn from them.

There IT was in my inbox.

My eyes rushed
over the words.

The response was what I
thought it might be.

Ransomed Heart was too small to bring me on. (They are only a staff of about 15)

I can’t say I wasn’t slightly
disappointed. (I had been thinking about it all

But overall I was glad I went for it.
You know the saying, “The worst they can do is say no?”
Well that’s what
happened here.

And what I discovered is there
something worse than

And that would have been never going for it.
Even after receiving their response –

I knew I would have
felt much worse if I would

been too timid or scared to face possible rejection.


And it led
to some good things

– Made it clear that God had a season of living at
home in Illinois in store for me.

          – Clarified the timing of going to the G42 Christian Leadership Academy in Spain in July. (Click HERE
to support me)

Gave me the opportunity to attend a Wild at Heart Boot Camp run by John
Eldridge and his staff once a year in Colorado. (I just went this past week –
possible blogs coming soon!)
 Picture of where the Camp was held near Winter Park, Colorado

I read this quote recently:

We fail
more often by timidity than by over-daring.  ~David Grayson

Most of us aren’t risking TOO MUCH.

Most of us have insulated our lives in a way that risk, failure and any attempt at what our heart Really dreams has been severely minimized.

What do you see in people around you?
passionately pursuing there destiny or lives that have been calculated to
protect against any form or
I am coming to believe that never going
for IT is much worse than any form
of rejection, failure or detour that we can ever face.
Sure things didn’t
work with Eldridge for me but I have complete peace in knowing I went for it.
My core desires to Know His Love, look like His son Jesus and Bring the Kingdom of God to earth
will always be intact.
in-between is filled in by my hearts dreams and His timing and will.

believe God has set life up in a way where we are meant to pursue

desires and dreams of
our heart.

will be a part of that.
Are you willing?

risks:  if you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be
wise.  ~Author Unknown