“None of us like the
insecurity of waiting without clear direction, meaning or closure.

True biblical faith
will always be the minority position. God has to teach you to go there,

trust the emptiness,
and stay there until you are led back out.
The truest word for that is ‘suffering’.

New things never happen
when you are accumulating more self or more ideas and answers.

New things happen when
you are constricted and limited

and what you think of
as yourself is temporarily or permanently taken away.”


God is ridiculous.


He actually expects me to live out what I preach!

On Sunday, I did a sermon about the Giftings and Dreams God
gives us as Christians.

Specifically for the KINGDOM.

But how it takes years
for those GIFTS to develop and

sometimes even more
come true.

What happens to our hearts during those years?


Those years we wait to see the fruition of our Kingdom

Strive to grow in the Giftings
he has given us.
God has called me to:
 Boldly preach with a Passionate Fire
to countless number
of people during my lifetime.
Raise up passionate, strong Men of God.

Lead God’s people through brokenness and the Spirit

to deeper intimacy,
freedom and love.
He has gifted me in
Leadership, Prophecy, Wisdom
and Preaching.

The day after preaching I was asked to Step Down from my Team

Talk about a Left
I didn’t see coming.
The next two days were miserable as the LIES came flooding in:

You are only a prophet and speaker.
Not a leader.

People in authority do not trust you.

The three months with your team were
pointless and you failed them as a leader.

You are re-doing 2008 and there is
nothing new for you to learn.

You should go silent and shut down.

Your vision from God is off. And your
dreams of Positional Leadership are off.

It’s because you were vulnerable that
you are not a leader.

You are not a selfless leader. Accept

You should stop working with World


This is only some of them. I had TWO pages of my journal filled with them.

There were so many of

of my calling was being drowned by

And I couldn’t see
what God is doing.

For the last three
of my life, God has kept me out of positional leadership.

Which is something I know He has given me a VISION for and GIFTED me to do.

My quiet time
recently has been more like YELL TIME.

As God and I have hashed this out and wrestled with Him
about what He is doing.

To be honest, I still don’t know completely what He is up

But he has revealed these five things to me:

Seasons– Everything belongs. And my calling hasn’t gone anywhere.

Authority – He is actively giving me a chance to heal my authority
issues by walking me into it.

Healing – The wounds from 08 that I mentioned in my last blog will
be healed through this change.

Trust – Can I trust God with my calling, growth and life?

Tale of Three Kings – He is giving me a David heart.

And so I wait on the THRESHOLD.

An extremely tough place to be but in some ways the most TEACHABLE place.
Please pray for me as I work this out
with God.
Pray for my transition to my new

And don’t let Satan get
you to stop believing in your