Stop: Before you read this blog………go back one step and read Orphans.

Okay, now you have earned the right to look at the pretty pictures.

Okay, quick background. This picture was taken on the last leg of our trip to Africa. We had been traveling for 4 days with little sleep and had been on 3 continents. Now we are crammed in a bus. Literally crammed.

My friend in the background: Lucky the Lion.
And yes we did argue sometimes like when he would be roaring at night and disturbing my sleep but I would like to say after a month of living about 300 feet from him we grew pretty close.

Yes, that is a Boa Constrictor. And yes I am scared out of my mind. But I held in for the picture glory baby!

This is my other friend Barry the Crocodile. This was my view for almost all my meals of the Safari we were staying at.

A 20 story freefall drop on what they call a “big swing”. If you look closely you can see:
1) I’m scared out of my mind
2) We had to lean back off this cliff. We were not pushed.

These are some of the precious kids I talked about in my last blog Orphans. They go through a lot but they have tons of joy. As you look at their faces, keep in mind that most of them don’t parents and live day to day for food. I will try to upload a video of them worshiping soon.

This is a sign in a local bus we took to church. If your not sure…..ARV Tablets are HIV patients. 36% of Swaziland’s population is infected with virus. At this rate…..the whole country could be wiped out 20-30 years.

A beautiful sunset in South Africa. This picture does not do it justice. And five minutes earlier, I could actually see the rainbow touch from one end to the other. Never before in my life have I seen something like that!

Self-Explanatory. Love the kids here in Africa!

Beautiful Sunset at Nisela Safari’s (Our Home for the month) in Swaziland.

The two people in this photo with my team are Faith and Pastor Gift. They are the local contacts we worked with and they are helping head up Generation 42 and the Nsoko Project. Christian orginizations striving to help needy and orphaned kids here in Swaziland.

Well, I hope you enjoyed the pictures.

And I hope you have been thinking and praying about what the Lord wants you to do to live a life of justice and mercy.

In my last blog I said:

Pray Passionately to the Lord

Ask Him to give you a heart for these kids, Africa, for the downtrodden.

Ask Him to break down your heart and the walls and numbness you might have.

Ask Him to show you what your response should be.

I have been extremely open with you. Now I ask you to share with me your thoughts. On what the Lord said to you, on what your response should be, on your thoughts on what the scripture says. Anything really…..join me in this struggle.

Please post a comment.
Or if you don’t feel comfortable, send me an email at [email protected]

In a few days, I hope to have a video and a way you can help the kids here in Swaziland!

For now check out