I’m going to keep this one short and sweet.

I am part of a team of G42 Leadership Academy alumni (I
graduated from there in 2011)
that is starting a Christian Gap Year program.

I have so much to tell you about why I’m doing this and what
I’ll be doing exactly but for now I’m just going to tell you about the program
itself. It is called G42U.

The Basics

It is for 18-20 year olds.

It is located in Fredericksburg, Texas. (Hill

The schedule is similar to a year at college. We
will start in late August and end in early May.

The year will be comprised of discipleship
classes, online college education, learning practical life skills, adventure
and service.

 Our online education partner is College Plus.
(learn more about them at collegeplus.org) Students will have a chance to earn
up to 30 credits during the year.

Approximate cost will be 6,500 for room and
board. And 5,000 for the 30 credits through College Plus. (College Plus is

I need your help! We are working very hard to start this
fall but we do not have any students signed up yet. If you know of anyone in
the 18-20 year old range that would be a good candidate please pass on our
website below. (Also to anyone in High School you think might be interested in
this for the future)
You could also be a HUGE HELP by posting our website in
your Facebook or Twitter status.