Granted……….it looks like a simple picture.
Some kids in school uniform with their heads down their hands facing up.
But look closer and there is so much more going on.
Notice that their hands are palms are faced upward in a receiving motion.
They are receiving a prayer that is being spoke over them.
But not just any prayer……………these are new believers in the One and Risen Savior Jesus Christ!
And they are receiving a prayer of blessing, guidance and protection for their new found life.
Some where between 20-25 kids from the Hong Kong school we worked at came up that amazing afternoon to profess faith in Jesus Christ! I’m telling you the Holy Spirit was moving in that place!
So, now I’m asking you to do two things:
1)Thank and praise the Lord for what He did that day
2)Say a prayer for these new found believers right now – That they would be good soil. That they would be protected from satan’s lies and attacks. That they would be filled with the Spirit. That God will bring people to guide and disciple them. And that they would become passionate Jesus followers that will change Hong Kong! And if it’s in your heart – keep praying for them!
Lastly………it would definitely be worth your while to check out this sweet video below! (I guarantee you will get a chuckle)

Also, I will be taking about a two week fast from the internet. So blogs and staying in touch will resume around November 10th. Love you guys!