Me, Mom, Dad, my sister Mandey and brother Josh. With Grandpa George in the middle.
One day at lunch with my Dad, I had an interesting thought come to mind.
I started thinking about his journey with us kids(3 of us total) and all the up’s and down’s.
Rewards and Disappointments.
How his Fatherhood is intertwined with our lives.
And how even though he plays a strong role –
He can’t control how we turn out. 
 Then my thoughts turned towards God.
More precisely : God as a Father.
He has over 6 billion children (whether they come to accept that or not)
And if He really is a Dad then He too shares in
Up’s and Down’s
Rewards and Disappointments
Heartbreak and Joy.
But on a much larger scale.
What is it like for God –
Watching all his children growing up?
Some choosing Him
And others not.
Some making good decisions and others bad decisions.
I wander what He feels as a Father?
 Evan. My nephew on the day he was born.