We got one very short day in Budapest before heading off to Croatia.
 Kristi, Jonathan and I missed our train to Croatia getting Burger King for the team. We are holding the fries that made us late! The rest of our team left on this train.
It did allow us to take the day train though. And we had some stunning views of the leaves changing in the Croatian mountains.
Our ministry for the month was helping a Christian Family that runs a coffee shop in Split, Croatia.
He is also a Pastor and our running the coffee shop allowed him and his wife to have time to do other things!
 Here is our front desk with the two main favorites for the Students. Brownies and Cookies!
A shot of the Coffeeshop upstairs.

 We met an American woman named Renatta and an English woman named Allison. They were both such a blessing and we were able to encourage them in their faith a bunch!
 This is the Warholic Family that we got to help. Pray for there work in Split!
Split was a beautiful city – Here is a few great shots!
This is the main drag of Split. It’s called The Riva.
We also spent 4 days on island called Korcula helping do manual labor at a local Hostel.
This the man we helped – Dragan. He isn’t a Christian and we got to have some great conversations with him!
The men putting down some boards.
Great sunset on Korcula Island.
Our team name is Establishing Dominance.
And on our Team Photo Day – We did exactly that………….
 On a Statue
On an Archway.
On some Aincent Pillars.
 And on the Aincent Colonades of Emperor Diocletians Palace.
Sunset in Split.
Team Establishing Dominance (Also known as Team Schlag!)
Oh and Danny and I got to go to a Pro Croatian Futbol Game……
The fans were a little rowdy……..
Finally we had 3 days of travel to Kiev, Ukraine.
One more day in Budapest. We played in some leaves……
We took a 24 HOUR TRAIN RIDE to Kiev.
 We could not leave this hallway the whole time.
This is our tiny sleeper car for the 3 guys.

I am currently in my last country right now.
Kiev, Ukraine.
We are working with a Christian Ministry (Inter-Varsity) that reaches out to College Students.
We finish on the 20th!