All my life, I have lived in the same town. Surrounded by the same people. With the same societal expectations and instagram filters and superficial conversations. I have never quite felt as though I could fully be the person I want to be, and always pressured to fit the mold that society wanted me to wear. I am beyond ready for an opportunity like this to break free all of those meaningless things and create change in the lives of other people. And what better way is there to accomplish that than through spreading the love of Jesus Christ? 

Last summer, I went with my church to Leogane, Haiti for two weeks. Before I left, I was struggling with my identity, my appearance, my relationships, and physical health. I had turned my back on Jesus and hated the person he had so gently created me to be. After just the first couple days of being there, God opened my eyes to the truth. And to be part of the pure joy that comes with appreciating life’s little things in a country like that… I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. 

Since Haiti, I have craved the opportunity to give more and spread the love of Jesus in other places. And I can’t contain my excitement to be able to do that in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Panama with The World Race this Fall!! 

That said, I will only be able to be part of this adventure if I can raise the money. I need a total of $5,300 by August 20th, and I still need all the help I can get! Please, click donate. Any amount helps and I would appreciate it immensely! ??

God is SO good. whoop whoop!!

ps. I’m no blogger, so take it easy on me. I’ll try to keep posting more as I prepare to go on this amazing adventure. If not… ill see ya in Central America!