So here we go my first attempt at blogging…

11 Counties/11 Months

If four years ago you would have told me I would be married to the most beautiful woman in the world/my best friend, owned my own home, was on the fast track to a career with a great company, and had season tickets to see my Gamecocks play I probably would have laughed in your face.  If you would have told me I would have all those things and I was giving it all up (minus my wife) to be a missionary I would have really cracked up.

But God used time and people to change my perspective.

From the time Candace and I became serious in our relationship we began to talk about missions being part of our lives.  But as far as timing goes we thought that it would be farther in our future. So when she first brought up the idea of the World Race I didn’t jump in all at once because it didn’t fit “the plan”.  “The plan” was to work for a few years, maybe have a couple children, and once they were old enough we would pursue missions opportunities. 

As hard as I tried to push the idea of the World Race out of my mind the Lord kept bringing it back around to me.  Much like Jonah I struggled to escape what God wanted me to do. He began to change my heart. After reading current racers blogs, watching the racer videos, speaking with the World Race staff, and lots of prayer, my initial impulse of this is “not for us” soon changed. Now here we are preparing for this journey together.

I look forward to the opportunities that the Lord will present to me and Candace on this trip.  I look forward to see how He uses us as a team and how we work together in new and exciting situations. I look forward to the struggles that we will have to work through.  I look forward to the good as well as the not so good.  I look forward to all the people I will get to meet and minister to. I look forward to creating community with my team.  I look forward to never looking at life the same way again.