Hey guys! Thank you so much for checking out my blog. I am excited to share my journey on The World Race Semesters with you, and hope you will follow along on this adventure!

I’m Mya Eichstadt from Bemidji, Minnesota. I am 18 years old, and recently graduated from Bemidji High School. I heard about the World Race last year when my older sister Hannah went on their gap year program. From then on its been stuck in the back of my mind. I had worry and doubt in one ear saying “you aren’t qualified” and “it’s all in your head, God isn’t really calling you to go”. I was scared about all the what if’s until I gave my worries to the Lord, and realized that He is in control. After a few months of praying about it, I finally got the courage to apply! Now here I am accepted and ready to leave the country. I will be leaving this coming fall to go to Ecuador and Peru for three months.

Some facts about me:

I have two older sisters, Haley and Hannah, and one younger sister, Meray. It’s a house full of girls – my poor dad.

I have been involved in my high schools musical theater program for the past four years. I am now working at the Paul Bunyan Playhouse for the summer. (not on stage but at least I’m in the building!) 

Also for the past two years, I was head techie in my schools showchior group where I was in charge of all the background stuff on and off stage. 

I love to travel! Last summer I went on a trip to Ireland, the UK, and France. Ever since then I’ve been sick with the travel bug!

For 12 years and counting I have been in 4-H. I show rabbits, goats, and a few crafts/photography. I am also a youth treasurer for our 4-H council.

Some of my favorite things inculde: Les Miserables, fall colors, Panera Bread Mac & Cheese, the fall season, Teen Wolf, and Otters.