One summer, I went to Johannesburg, South Africa for two weeks on a missions trip through the organization Impact Africa. This isn’t where my passion started.

On the way to the training camp, I noticed a fire gradually growing in the long grass. I learned that some farmers intentionally burn the grass, so it will regrow healthier and fuller. We are like that grass. We are burned down and destroyed by the world, but the Lord is our strength! He heals us just like the grass that regrew more abundant and than before! This trip changed my life forever.

Kaya Sands was one squatter camp we went to. Two little girls immediately were drawn to me and did not want to leave my side. This caused the girl’s mother and other mamas to leave where they sat and walk over to me. God used those little girls, so I could share my story with their mama. It was so AMAZING to experience and talk with many new people  

One thing I noticed during my time in South Africa is how giving and open the people were to me. They would invite me into their homes and share what little they had. One mama gave me a Zulu name (the most common language of South Africa). She named me Nosipo which means gift. After I walked off the porch of her one room house, I looked up and down the streets and realized something. I wanted to make a change and show more people the gift of Jesus. 


This trip sparked a desire in me, to go on missions and serve God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. Thank you for reading this and please consider partnering with me on thi amazing journey!!!