Hello & Welcome! This is the first of many blog post I’ll have on here because if you don’t know already.. I’m doing the World Race Gap Year!! What is that, you ask?? It’s a 9 month mission trip to 3 different countries. Starting in September of 2019, I’ll be embarking on the greatest adventure of my life. I’ll be traveling to South Africa, Ecuador, and Cambodia. In these places, I will be serving the Lord in various ways. I’m not exactly sure yet what I’ll be doing in each country, but what I DO know is that whatever it is, it will be to glorify God. The whole mission for the World Race is to be more like Jesus, to further the Kingdom, to spread His love, and to bring the Good News to others.

I’ve had a heart for missions since I was 14. (Well, kinda even before that) But the first time I seriously felt called to missions was on February 25, 2015. I know this specific date because I keep a journal for thoughts/prayers/drawings and on this exact day I wrote about how cool it would be to go on a mission trip out of the country. I wrote “Jesus tells us to go everywhere in the world and tell the good news to everyone (Mark 16:15) and so I want to do that” WOW. I also wrote “If your dreams don’t scare you, they’re not big enough” WOW. (14 year old Morgan was such a dreamer and a believer. I’m glad not much has changed). 

But that’s not the end of the story.. because the very NEXT day I got a text from one of my friends at church who said I should go on a mission trip to Costa Rica with her that summer! TOTALLY RANDOM and DEFINITELY not just a coincidence, I am convinced it was God’s doing. And that is the first time I truly felt called to the mission field.

Ever since then, I’ve gone to Costa Rica 3 times and I’ve been to Ethiopia for 10 days in August of 2016. I think that mission trips are something so special to me because I get to experience God’s love from all over the world, and that makes me even more in awe of Him. Getting to serve people who are from different cultures and walks of life has been so rewarding and life changing. That is why I want to continue doing it.

Now you also might be thinking.. well what about college?? As of right now, the plans are for me to start college at Middle Tennessee State University in fall of 2020 after the race. I want to become a pilot and they have an outstanding aerospace program there. ( Who knows.. maybe one day I”ll even be a missionary pilot!)

But at this point, I am focusing on the calling I have from the Lord to do the World Race. With that being said, I must raise $16,600 for this trip. It’s going to be a challenge, but I hope that you would consider donating!! By donating you can be a part of this amazing giving-and-receiving process. When you give to me by donating, I will receive the funds to make this mission trip possible, and in return I can then give to others across the world by serving them and loving them. 

Most importantly, I ask that you would please please PLEASE pray for me!! I’m going to need it!! Pray for strength, courage, the fundraising process, my team, the people of South Africa/Ecuador/Cambodia, and really anything else! It would be greatly appreciated because prayer is POWERFUL.

Oh! And subscribe to this blog if you want to get updates 🙂