Last night Joy, my awesome roommate, and I threw a pumpkin carving party. It was wonderful to see everyone after being gone for a month and a half. I’ve posted lots of pictures in the “Browse My Photos” section.

Joy, me and Jason (kind of)

(Joy and me, with her cousin Jason trying to make an a

As I put my amazingly beautiful, carved pumpkin in the bathroom I was struck by how powerful God is.

One of the things I was most nervous about for the trip was going to Asia. Last year’s teams wrote a lot about how spiritually dark and difficult some of the places they went were. For example they spent time praying through sex trafficking areas in Thailand. I was talking with a friend who has been to Asia and she said something that really struck me, “Morgan, it’s the same as anywhere else. God’s light overcomes darkness. Light wins.”

I was reminded of that as the tiny candle in my pumpkin lit up the whole room. Light is so much more powerful than darkness. It only takes a tiny light to make an entire room glow.