To my beloved family and friends,

 This journey began over a year ago when I first heard about the World Race. I thought 11 countries in 11 months sounds awesome but it would be crazy to leave everything behind for that long. I’m sure that’s your first thought too! Time went on and I kept getting drawn back to the World Race. I kept asking the Lord, “are you sure?” I allowed fear, doubt, and worry to cloud my mind. So I started researching other trips to go on but nothing felt right. Then it’s as if God was on cue NYE weekend, I felt lead to watch World Race testimonies. I knew right then that it was right…this is it. I heard God ask me “Are you willing to give everything up to come follow me with the promise of a better life?” And I said YES!

 I was sick and tired of letting fear control my life. I wanted to give it all to HIM! My hope is that I can be an inspiration to some of you in your own lives and your walk with God. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to set aside everything I thought my life was about and pursue the One who created me as He allows me to be His hands, feet and voice to people around the world who are desperate for even a glimmer of hope. It will be one of the most challenging things I’ll ever do, but I’m so excited to let my light shine for Jesus in some of the darkest places of the world while being challenged and changed into the woman God desires me to be.

 So, come August I’ll be embarking on this journey to 11 countries in 11 months. We will serve in partnership with churches and ministries in local communities to preach the Gospel, plant churches, work in orphanages, minister to women and children who are trapped in prostitution as a result of human trafficking, and bring the restoration and hope of the Father’s love to many tribes and nations. For a while on the World Race I will be living out of a 65 liter backpack, sleeping bag and tent. I know that may sound crazy to some, but all I can say in response is that I want to live my life fully devoted to Christ and being obedient to His will.

  How you can help

  1. Prayer: I can use all the prayer you can muster for myself and my future team. We often underestimate the power of prayer and the impact it has.
  2. Financial Support: I want to invite you to be a part of my journey. Not only through prayer, but through financial giving as well. I know that money can be tight but I ask that you pray about helping to support me on this journey. Giving can be an act of worship, just as big an act as the one being done by the person you help send. 
  3. Fundraising Goal: My Financial Goal is 17,017 which covers all my fiancial expenses on the field. Donations can be made up until November 2017. Financial support can be given as a one-time gift or as a monthly donation. Any donation, large or small is greatly appreciated.

  Ways to Give

  1. Monthly:  Pledge any amount of money for each month. 
  2. Lump Sum:  A one-time lump sum gift (of any amount) would also be a huge blessing.

 How to Give

  1. Go to my blog at
  2. Click on “Donate” on the right hand side.
  3. Follow the steps. 
  4. You can also send checks, payable to Adventures in Missions, P.O. Box 742570 Atlanta, GA, 30374-2570. Please be sure to put my name (Monica Plisiecki) in the memo line of the check.  
  5. All donations are tax deductible. Awesome, right?  


Thank you, in advance for all the prayers and support, it is much appreciated. I know the Lord has a plan for all of us that is bigger than we could ever imagine. All you have to do is take that first step and believe. So, will you come follow me on this amazing journey of faith, hope and love??


 Blessings,  Monica Plisiecki