Hey everyone, 

Im sure most of you visiting this page know who I am but for those who don’t let me tell you a little about myself. First off my name is Miriam Thompson and I am 17 years old. Well now lets start from the beginning I grew up in a Christian home with my other two sibilings. I deticated my life to Christ at a young age. As a family we would attend church every Sunday as well as Sunday school, we were involved in church for as long as I can remember. I was also homeschooled up to my seventh grade year. I learned a lot from being homeschooled but I was put into a whole new world when I started attending Northwest Christian at the beginning of that year. I felt out of place my first year and very out of my comfort zone, it wasn’t till 8th grade when I kinda found out who I was and wanted to be. I was very blessed by the friends God blessed me with. During 8th grade year we were given the opportunity to go down to a orphanage in Mexico for four days, I decided to sign up. Man my eyes were open to a whole new world yet again. I had never really seen poverty like this before and my heart was moved like never before. I remember thinking I never wanted to loose the desire to help those in need. From that day forward I felt different. Throughout High school I continued to go on those trips. At the end of sophomore year I began thinking of what I would do after high school I thought and thought but for some reason God kept telling me you were called to something deeper. I would begin the journey of looking for mission trips after high school. I stubbled upon the world race I watched videos, read blogs and talked to people who had done similar things. Over the next year I continued to do that seeing if this is what God was calling me to do. Now being a senior in high school Ive committed to the wold race gap year and there is no doubt in my head God has called me to this, I am beyond excited to see what He has in store for my life. I am thankful for this opportunity