Recently, four words have been standing out to me:
grace, bold, wild, free
Four words that I love, that motivate me, and remind me of Jesus.
Grace. My favorite word, my middle name, what He gave to us even though we didn’t deserve it. The meaning behind this word has so much weight on my heart.
Bold. I hope to be bold in all things. Scripture says in Him we have boldness. I want to have that boldness, that willingness to take risks for Him, that courageousness, that daringness to do anything as long as it’s to glorify Him.
Wild. I want to be wild for Jesus, to be crazy about Him. Even if that means looking like a weirdo to everyone else. I want to be crazy enough to love like He did, to give like He did, to forgive like He did, crazy enough to dare to change the world and point it all back to the One who created it.
Free. I am no longer confined, I am no longer weighed down. Sin no longer rules over me. (i feel like i should say that one again), sin no longer rules over me!! Because I am alive in Christ and I’ve been set free. I am free. All because of grace, all because of Jesus.
Last Monday, I was coming home from Florida with a couple of the girls who are going with me on this mission trip. We were in Orlando for the Send conference (which was honestly such a cool experience). God revealed and confirmed so much. It was crazy in the absolute best way possible!! Throughout the weekend, multiple people prayed over me. Through the prayers, flowers seemed to keep coming up. Whether someone said they saw me dancing in a field of flowers or whether the image of a flower came to their mind, it always seemed to be about flowers. So fast forward, we were on our way home. I was in the back seat with Sarah (a beautiful soul that I’m so excited I get to do life with for 9 months!!). According to the others, we weren’t allowed to drive because we only got 3 hours of sleep the night before (haha good times). So we were in the back talking the whole drive home. There was a point where this flower topic came up again and I was still very confused about it. We had our journals out and we were writing a lot about the weekend and everything that had happened. We talked about it briefly but I still didn’t get what it meant. Then we both put in our earbuds to have some quiet time and to think. I have a page in my journal that is dedicated just for Sarah. I write down all of the words that remind me of her or all of the things I see God doing through her. She’s a sweetheart and was doing the same for me in her journal. It hadn’t even been 5 minutes of the quiet time we were having when she had this surprised look on her face. She had literal tears in her eyes. I asked her what was up and she was holding a flower. A small, pressed flower that just fell out of her journal that was on the page right after the one she was writing about me. In that moment, it clicked. a wildflower. She didn’t remember ever putting it in there, it was just there. Do you ever have those moments where you’re so in awe of God it brings you to tears? Yeah, me too. I knew it wasn’t just a coincidence. It could’ve been any flower but wildflower was the word my mind wouldn’t stop repeating.
they are wild and free, they have a boldness to them, they grow in the places you wouldn’t expect, they bloom with grace, they stand out. I thought it was quite ironic that the words that were popping out to me over that whole weekend can also describe and symbolize the flower that kept popping out too. I love the way God puts things together and slowly reveals them in His own way. As cheesy as the “be a wildflower in a field of roses” quote is, that’s exactly what I want to be.
I want to be wildly crazy about Him with a boldness that screams the name of Jesus and shows what freedom looks like all because of the grace He’s given me.
I want to be like a wildflower. gracefully bold, wild and free.
Thank you for the endless support. It means more than you know.
So much love,