Hey, welcome to my blog!! I’m excited to start this! It is very new to me but welcome to the journey that God is about to take me on! 


I’m going to be honest, I felt stuck. You could ask anyone who is close to me and they could tell you that. It’s like time is moving slowly and life keeps going but nothing is happening. I couldn’t tell you why I felt this way. I’ve lived in Fayetteville most of my life and to be honest, it’s just old. Yes, I do plan on going to college eventually but I didn’t feel like right now was my time. I knew I needed something new/ different and to do more. I just didn’t know what it was…until I found the World Race. When I tell you I CRIED when I realized this was what God was calling me to do. It was tears of relief and joy and everything I needed. After all of the praying, the long talks with my parents, the unbelievable support I got from people, this was it. My desire to do mission work has grown throughout this past year but I never thought I’d actually get the opportunity to do so, especially not now when I am “supposed” to be going to college. God knew all of those feelings I had of feeling stuck. He knew my adventurous self would not only be willing to do something like this, but would love it. Don’t get me wrong I was excited but equally terrified… but I came across this quote and it says:

“Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God”.

I just love that. My future is unknown to me. What this year has to hold is unknown to me. What the Lord is going to do through me as well as my fellow racers is unknown to me. But I don’t need to know what my future holds when God knows everything. I’m kind of a control freak so this wasn’t an easy thing to grasp for me. This experience will be challenging and it will definitely be out of my comfort zone, but I feel like I’m ready for something like that. I am about every emotion when I think about 9 months in 3 different countries not really sure of what is going to come next, but I still find a sense of peace when thinking about it. I know I’m not going to be alone. God has put this desire on my heart and He is making this dream of mine come true within this program to advance His kingdom. It’s just amazing how great our God is. It is scary but I am so ready!


If any of y’all would like to donate, I would appreciate it so much!! $16,600 is a lot of money but God provides!! Prayer would also be greatly appreciated! 🙂 Thank you all for the support, it truly means more than you know. I truly feel like God is going to do great things and I am so excited to see what the future holds!


so much love,
