So as much as I want pour my heart out on these pages, I figure many of you have no idea what is going on, so let me explain….

In January I will be leaving for the World Race, a Christian mission program run by Adventures in Missions. I will travel to 11 countries in 11 months, sharing God's love, and growing closer to Him. I will be living in Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Romania, Ukraine, South Africa, Swaziland, Mozambique, Thailand, Malaysia, and Cambodia. For those of you geographically challenged, that's  4 continents!  I'm going to round it up to 5 though, in hopes that in some way my trip will be serving and inspiring you too.wink

I'll be working with orphans, prostitutes and human trafficking, the poor, gypsies, the sick, the elderly, and anyone one else that could use some loving…which tends to be everyone.  I want to love. I want the adventure. I want Him.

What is it not? It's not a vacation! It's 30 hour travel days stuffed in a 12 passanger van with 25 people. It's the constant threat of malaria, yellow fever, bed bugs, and lice. It's sleeping in a sleeping bag often without a bed, and eating mostly rice and beans. It's a years worth of possessions that must fit into a backpack…
I learned about the World Race almost 2 years ago, and it has been on my heart ever since.  God has made my path clear through friends, music, the Bible…even my odometer read 41,111 (for 11 in 11) JUST after I accepted!  THIS is where He wants me. He has (sometimes painfully) closed doors and open others to make this happen. Now is my time to obey.

What does this mean for you?
   I can't do this without you!  This trip is about my own growth, my team's growth, the growth of those we come in contact with, and I hope some of your own spiritual growth as you take the journey with me.
 I need your support- your love, your prayers, and financial blessings.
The love- well, you're doing it by reading this, and subscribing, but on the field emails, and comments below will be ever so appreciated. 
The prayer thing…well, I hope you have that one figured out.
The financial support details will come in another blog (God's working on humbling me for that part), but the short of it is there's a button to click on the top left to financially help, credit cards have a 3% charge, bank drafts 2%, and checks none (meaning I get more of what you give)…I need to raise $15,500 total…$3500 by October 1!  

I want this trip to be about you too – click the Contact link on the left or email me…I want to Pray for you, encourage you, and love on you too.