This morning I was asked to give a sermon at my church to talk about my upcoming trip. The following, with few edits, was what I said. Please keep in mind that it was something meant to be heard rather than read, and if you already know what I am doing, you can skip the paragraphs in blue (I want you to have the attention to get through all of this).
Also a couple disclaimers: I have spent more than half my life in this church. Much of the congregation was brought to tears while I talked today- they've watched me grow up. And, one member told me that she felt that her life was so boring compared to mine. Truth of the matter is, most of you who are reading this have played some role in my life, no matter how small. You have made me who I am, without you, I would not be doing this. And I can't do it without you either. Your prayers and encouragement will be what gets me through the rough days, so in many ways, where I am, so are you…

Navy, Coast Guard, whale rider, missionary, pastor, mother, travel tv show host, psychologist, CIA agent… I had many dreams of what I wanted to be when I grew up.  Mine certainly not answering phones to talk to people about their retirement plans, but God called me to it, for a certain time that is. But  I have a loving God, a God who knew my heart and that it was for His good, and so…He finally called me to follow a desire- a desire to love His people and to do it on the mission field. 
January 7th I will be leaving for an eleven month mission trip called the World Race. I will spend a month each in eleven countries, going to Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia in South America; Romania and Ukraine in Eastern Europe; South Africa, Swaziland, and Mozambique in Africa; then Thailand, Malysia, and Cambodia in Asia.  The goal is to live a simple life:  My entire year's possessions will have to fit in a 40lb backpack, and I will be living off of about $10 per day.  Even travel days between countries could mean 32 hours in a crammed hot bus riding down a bumpy road.  I will be travelling around from country to country with my squad, a group of about 60 people, but will be living and serving separate ministries day in and day out with my team of 7 people.  My team could be working on anything from teaching English, to building homes, to working with orphans, prostitutes, gypsies and homeless.  Whatever the ministry, the hope is to bring love to those who need it most.
I've had a little practice at the mission thing, starting at a young age going to North Carolina and Virginia with this church, even working in Mississippi at Katrina sites, and the trip to New York this past year with the with the youth.  Mission work has been something that has been on my heart for years, and I've finally reached the point that I just can't shake it off, it's something I need to do.
 More recently, I went to training camp for the upcoming trip. I spent a week in Georgia getting to know my squad,  and getting matched with my team.  Training was also about putting me into scenarios that I may come across in the field.  One night they took all my bags, representing lost or stolen baggage, and all I had was the clothes on my back and the Bible in my hand. Let me tell you, it gets cold in Georgia at night.  Another night my squad had to fit 120 bags and 60 people into a 44 passenger school bus to represent the long rides in Africa where they cram people into the busses.  We had 3 people on each seat and people in the aisles. Needless to say we didn't get much sleep.  They fed us rice mush with fish, ugali (an African corn meal mush, tacos, or Naan each day representing a different part of the world. On India day I had to eat with only the right hand. On Africa day the girls had to serve the boys at tables and then eat on the floor as they would in Africa.  Training camp was an amazing experience to finally be able to meet the people that I will be working with, and to see how the holy spirit worked throughout the week.
All the details of what I'm doing are great, they're important to share, but I was asked to share why I am doing this. Why I am leaving all I have here, a family, stable job, great church community, a boyfriend. Why am I trading it for uncomfortable living conditions, and living for others rather than myself…But this isn't about leaving. I'm not running away from these things. I'm running to God.  I want to see how other countries experience Him. I think we get so caught up in the American Dream that we forget how fortunate we are. The truth of the matter is that we don't deserve anything that we have. The shiny car, the big house, and the high paying job. And when we are striving for that American dream, when we aren't focused on him but rather our own success,  we forget to rely on God, and we forget how blessed we really are…because the American Dream tells us we always need something more.  People in places in need, people in the countries that I'm going to, have so little, that God is ALL they have to rely on, and God  has room to show up in BIG ways there, because they depend on him, rather than themselves.  I'm going on this trip because I want to see that in action. I want to see others who are dependent on him, and I want to abandon what i have here to rely on Him too.  Regardless of our privileges though,  it's also important to remind you that God is here, and present in your lives. Every smile, every laugh you have comes from God.   Think about what makes you happy. Seriously, think about it. Is it your child's joy? A well- prepared steak? A breathtaking­­­ sunrise? Your favorite song?  Don't forget that God is giving that to you, not because you deserve it, but because He loves you.  He longs to be gracious to you. He longs to give you the desires of your heart.
I remember a night last year where I took a walk into the woods. I was having a rough day, my heart was breaking, and I needed to be alone. I cried to God for some time.  When I finally allowed myself to become aware of my environment again, I looked around to find myself surrounded by fireflies.  It was the only thing that lit up the sky. It was beautiful. Like all I could see was a world sparkling with God's creation, His light shining through the darkness. God had given me that gift to ease my pain.  As I contemplated His beautiful creation, and all He had done for me, a thought was put in my head: what if God, thousands of years ago, during Creation, thought about me. A god who knows all would know that this was where I would be tonight. That the fireflies were what was going to bring me peace. What if He created  fireflies, just for me. Just for that one moment. How much He must love me to set forth something like that..thousands of years in the making…just for me. Friends, He KNEW you before you were born. He knew what would bring you joy, and He set things in motion, things that may have taken lifetimes to happen, JUST so that he could show you how much He loves you.  That was one small moment in my life…and He has a lifetime…and eternity more where that came from. A lifetime more of that love.
You want to know why I'm doing this trip? Plain and simple. Because I was called to it.
 God loved me SOOO much that I can love others. Now is the time that I was called to share His love with those who have never heard of Him. This is what I am supposed to do.  This is what I was called to do. 
Called to show prostitutes who are bought like pieces of meat on the streets that they are worth so much that their True Lover died for them.
Called to show the gypsies that while their country looks down on them and their lifestyle, that they are welcomed with open arms in the Community of Christ.
Called to show the impoverished and sick that their troubles will have no comparison to the joy that He has planned for them for all eternity.
 Called to show the parentless orphans that they have a King, a Father, who will not abandon them, but who loves them more than they will ever know and wants them to inherit His kingdom.
 Called to show you. you. through what God is doing in my life….how much He loves you.