It's my birthday tomorrow (December 6)!
(yes, I'm sad that I won't get to spend one on the Race, but happy that I get to spend one here with friend and family)


  I'm not much for asking for a gift, it feels selfish. This whole fundraiaing thing has been a humbling experience. What i've learned is that when I ask for money, I'm really asking people to invest in God's kingdom…this is for Him. So…I shouldn't feel ashamed.
If you think my next words are to ask you for money though you're wrong.

For my birthday I have a huge, yet simple request- spread the word. Dedicate a facebook status to me with a link to my blog- perhaps your favorite post, or the one that explains the adventure:  Or possibly better yet, tell a friend what I'm doing. You have to know at least someone that would think this is cool.  Direct them to my website, ask them to subscribe to my updates. Maybe God's works through me will bring them joy, healing, love… or maybe even lead to someone else going on the Race. Maybe it's them you'll be doing the favor for.

Another favor: I've got a journal that people are signing- to leave an encouraging word, to tell a joke to lighten my day, draw a picture even, or share their God story so that if I run into someone with a similar story- maybe your words will offer encouragement to some one all the way across the world. If you are interested in signing my journal, contact me. If I won't see you before I go, send me a card, with a date on the back, and I won't open it until that date. Contact me for an address (I won't get mail on the Race, so you need to do it before I go)

Outside of that folks, I keep getting asked, "Are you excited?" Well…no. To be honest. I'm sure that's not what my supporters who are investing in me want to hear. But I assure you, I will be leaving. January 7th for sure. And will be serving our Father…difficult things are easier when you know that God has willed them.  I will miss my family, my mom's good cooking, my boyfriend, my friends, my bed…simple comforts. I've got so many things to do, it's so easy to lose focus on God.  But I've been taking everything day by day,  I've done my best to focus on the now. But in those moments that the future creeps in I get worried (guess it's time to read my old blog). This is a good place to be though: I'm starting to value what I have so much more already…and I expected that to happen AFTER the Race.  To be honest, a few years ago, I ran away to Hawaii for a while, and signed up for the Navy…it was because I was so afraid that the life I had wasn't enough, I was in denial that the things that I did want were unhealthy, in so many ways I was throwing in the towel because I thought I would never get what I wanted here, so I thought that I'd strip my life of it all and deny my heart. But that's not what God wanted for me. It's good to feel that aching…for home.

Thank you all so much for your support and love! It's been so good to hear from you all! I can't tell you how much I appreciate it…gosh, there were tears in church on Sunday even when I made a brief announcement about the journal…it's touching. And I know there's so many more people I need to talk to before I go!

I can't wait to blog about what is going on once I'm on the field. I look forward to sharing my life with you all! Please facebook me if you'd like. It will be the best source for quick updates/ and TONS of photos!