This past week I was in Berlin helping my dad at the Berlin Gazelles International Coaches Summit. Here are a few great lessons I learned:

The best things in life aren’t actually things, but people and experiences.  I was reminded that I’d rather live with very few possessions and have many experiences and memories with others.  After all, it’s not the material items we take with us to heaven, but the people we meet and share our lives with. 

It is important to seek out mentors that are one step ahead of you so you can continually grow and learn from those who are more experienced.

Just like Rome wasn’t built in one day, growth and success do not happen overnight. It takes time, hard work, and experience to achieve your goals and build your brand.

It is important to give back to others. Giving back to our communities and the world is a sign that we acknowledge that we do not achieve our goals and aspirations without the help of others.

Overall, Germany was a great time and opportunity to learn about business, people, and leadership. Thanks to all of the GI coaches and the many stories and lessons I learned from each of you. I felt honored to be listening and interacting with some of the most intelligent and well-rounded business leaders and individuals in the world. Thank you dad for the rich experience!

I will definitely use what I learned in Berlin on the World Race!

Once again, thank you for reading my blog and following my journey as I prepare for the World Race! If you would like to donate towards my trip please click on: or the Support Me! link to the left of this page.


Until Next time,


Michelle Cupp


(P.S. Check out a few photos from the Summit!) 

*Standing on the balcony of Die Lounge with a view of Central Berlin in the background!

*Celebrating the gift of American toothbrushes at the Coaches Summit! 

*Enjoying time with Judith Icumar at the Scale Up Summit in Berlin! God is using Judith in amazing ways as she prepares to become a Gazelles Coach and help lead Fit for Life in Kampala, Uganda!