As we transitioned into Ghana, I couldn’t help but wait to give away the next soccer ball. 

All month, I ran a half mile loop around the “neighborhood” we lived in. Each time I ran around the loop, there was a family who lived near a hill I had to climb that always waved at me. Whether it was grandma cooking over an open fire, mom with a baby on her knee, or two of the cutest little girls jumping around on a sand pile, I had a personal cheerleading squad who always stopped to wave and cheer me on as I ran by. Without fail, one of them seemed to always be in the front yard to cheer me on and wave as I ran by, no matter the time of day.

Throughout Ghana, I played soccer regularly. However, just like the first month, I left giving the soccer ball out until the last day. As I went for my final run the morning before we left Ghana, I asked God who I was supposed to give the soccer ball to.  As I asked that question, I was running by the family’s house and I saw grandma smiling and waving at me. Then, I saw the two girls come out of their house with their backpacks on and smiles lighting up their faces. I knew these two sisters were supposed to receive the soccer ball. I made plans with the grandma and girls to come back after school with a surprise for them. 

Through out the day the excitement for giving away the soccer ball kept on building. The sweet family who donated the soccer ball had asked me to find a girl who was their daughters age. These sisters were around her age.  

Once it was finally time to go back, I was greeted by the girls father. Smiling, he told me that the girls had told him that I had a surprise for them. I soon found out that the grandma, mother, father, and two sisters were all home! The next 30 minutes were spent sharing the story behind the soccer ball and how it was donated by a girl their age in America. I thanked them for cheering me on each day as I ran by and how encouraging it had been all month. We talked, laughed, and rejoiced over the simple gift of a soccer ball. The two girls names are Karin and Antinette. They had the cutest smiles on their faces as they received the ball. 

Before leaving this family, I got to kneel down, hold Karin and Antinette’s hands, and pray for them. I got to pray for their futures and that God would use soccer as an encouragement in their lives. I can’t put into words how this time with Karin and Antinette deeply impacted my heart. Maybe it was because I saw them as younger sisters and saw the potential and bright future ahead of them, but God was so faithful to lead me to them and create the opportunity for us to connect. I am so excited to print out a picture of this family and pray over Karin and Antinette regularly throughout the rest of my life.

God so perfectly placed this family in my path while in Ghana and used them as such a sweet, daily encouragement. And it was such a sweet ending to Ghana to be able to give away the soccer ball to this family.

Thank you to the McShea family for blessing this family by donating the soccer ball. You made it possible for Karin and Antinette and little baby Cephas to have a real soccer ball to play with in the front yard.  

Yet again, my heart is so full and filled with joy. I got to give away another soccer ball and connect with a sweet family in Ghana, all because a family back in America believed in my calling to alumni squad lead and dream to bring soccer balls overseas. I had no clue how impactful giving away soccer balls would be, but God is using it in incredible ways and I am so excited to see who ends up with the final three!

I can truly say I’m living out so many of my passions in this current season. I’m so beyond grateful to continue sharing my love for soccer with people, both in America and around the world. Thank you so much, supporters and friends, for believing in my dreams and making them possible! 

I’m living a dream that wouldn’t be happening without all of you! 


Until Next Time,




Karin (left) and Antinette (right) gratefully received the soccer ball! We got to share in our love for soccer and I wish I could have taken one more run around the block to see them in the front yard playing with the ball! Maybe next time I’m in Ghana! 😉 

Karin’s parents joked about me bringing Karin back to America for school and soccer! This family was so full of joy and a joy to interact with!