I cannot believe that this is happening!!! Wow, I am so excited! 

The amount of emotions that I have been feeling since being accepted is indescribable, but through being both excited and terrified, I know that God has all of this completely under control.



About me:

I am a sophomore Social Work student at West Texas A&M University in small-town Canyon Texas and have lived in the panhandle of Texas longer than I can remember (I may be from New York, but I am definitely a Texas boy). 

I began looking at the World Race about two years ago when some of my friends got back from their own race. I always thought that it looked incredible would be an awesome way to serve God and live through my calling into missions, but I thought that it was completely out of reach. But I guess I was wrong because here we sit!

I am going on the race because I feel God calling and pushing me to serve the kingdom and His people overseas. I am not doing the World Race to travel and see the world (if I wanted to do that I would have just studied abroad). I have felt called to missions for over three years now and I have been praying about the World Race for over a year. I strongly believe that God has called me here!


Deciding to sign up and accept a position on the race was probably the scariest and most exciting decision that I have ever made in my life (other than accepting Jesus into my heart)!




When you got onto my blog you may have seen that giant bar on top saying how much that I have to fundraise. Yes I know what you’re thinking, that’s impossible and way too much money. I thought and still sometimes do think that, but God provides in so many good and glorious ways! 

If you would like to help me fundraise for the race please do not hesitate to email, message me on Facebook or Instagram, call me, etc… I would love to talk to you more about what it means to fundraise and how that can not only help me but help you. 




None of this is possible without prayer!! Please be praying for my squad and myself as we prepare and fundraise for the race. 


God is doing great things!!

I would love to hear from you guys, and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me! 

