
It’s 4/6/2018 3:30 am and I just woke up in tears after checking my email. I can’t stop crying. I’m balling right now. The lyrics in this beautiful song reminds me of my purpose. My faith is increased by the Lord once again. I am in tears as I write this feeling surprised and convicted by my doubt in Him. To the heart who blessed me, I thank you for your generous giving! I pray abundant blessings and grace to shower over you and your family in the precious name of Jesus. WRECKED by the blessing of a $400 gift towards my fundraising, as I check my email. I can’t stop crying. In this moment I feel the love of God. I feel His grace fill my bed. I feel His presence here right now. His peace surrounds me giving me complete joy. I am currently bawling my eyes out on my face before the Lord. As I am worshiping Him, I feel him changing my heart, and I feel Him with me. I’m shaking and filled with passion. He continues lifting me up and confirming my obedience even when I doubt Him or fall short.



We are His children (Galatians 3:26). We doubt, slip, run away, and live for ourselves sometimes. But the Lord graciously forgives us and welcomes us as His children to live entirely for Him. He has called us by name. He has already won (John 16:33). All the Lord asks is that you believe in Him. To live with purpose. To follow in His ways and turn away from everything that isn’t of Him (2 Chronicles 7:14). He loves us and wants us with Him. He loves us so much (John 3:16). I can’t stop crying. I am in awe and so grateful for the abounding grace He has shown me. I know who my Lord is. He is who He says He is (Genesis 17:1) (Exodus 20:2) (John 11:25) (Revelation 1:8). The father takes care of His children, and He works everything together for good (Romans 8:28).



I want to thank the Lord for his grace and love he a has shown me. For the wisdom and direction, he has revealed to me. For calling us by name. For loving us when we don’t deserve it. For loving us even when we deny him. Glory to the father who sits in heaven. I pray you will see the Lord and his faithfulness as he continues to transform my life.