What’s LOVE got to do with it?
(Part II)
In the
last blog we talked about important questions like “What is love?” “Why do we
choose to love?” “Where does it come from?” and most importantly we hit on
God’s LOVE for us and why for Him it’s not an action it’s His nature.
So let’s
take it back, way back to the story of Genesis in the bible. Before you check
out, and click off this blog because I said “Bible” can we pause for a moment
to stress the point whether we believe in God or not, it’s worth taking a look
at because it’s one of two stories that exists in how we as humans were
created, for me and many others it’s a story we believe with our hearts to be
truth. I’m not asking you to accept it as truth right now, but at least stay on
this journey with me as we seek to explore the deeper realities of God and his
constant pursuit of love and His pursuit of us, for relationship with Him, fair
we have that out of the way, lets get back to the story of God’s creation of us
in the book of Genesis. We find Adam & Eve in the garden, God gives them
100% freedom to live, love, enjoy, eat, it was a picture of perfect union/relationship
with man, woman, and our creator. The only request God asked of them was don’t
eat from the “Tree of knowledge of good & evil”. Seems simple enough right?
Have you ever asked yourself “why did God put the tree in a place that was so
accessible”? Why didn’t he put it way high up on the snow-covered mountaintop
of Everest where two naked people couldn’t easily go?

we have the FREEDOM to say no, anytime we say yes to something, no matter what
it is, is essentially meaningless. So when God wants us to LOVE Him & say
yes to Him there has to be some way by which that expression is proven to be
meaningful, right? So back to it, why wouldn’t God want you to know the
difference between good and evil, right & wrong? I mean after all that is
what you would receive if you ate from the tree, right? Isn’t having that
knowledge of good & evil/right & wrong an essential part of living
God says
essentially, I don’t want you to eat that fruit, and obtain that knowledge,
because the effect it will have on you will be disastrous, not helpful. So, why
would death be the outcome of knowing the difference between good & evil?
Why have we then determined to live life, and structure life by a system God
said would never work? By living life filtering every thought and action “is it
right/wrong, good or evil”?
whole civilization is built on this principle of asking before we act or speak,
“is it right/wrong, good or evil”. We think by doing this it’s what is putting
the world right. What God is saying, I believe, is no, it’s when you started
living by that system that started putting the world wrong. All we continue to
do is reinforce that system of right/wrong, good/evil and God is saying that’s
not the way I intended you to live.
Genesis 3:4, Satan says “You will be like God, knowing good
& evil”, it would seem to suggest that living life trying to define how to
deal with the knowledge of good & evil is something only God can handle and
that you and I were never equipped or programmed to deal with.
Genesis 3:6 “Their eyes were opened”, what does that mean?
What is it that changed within them? Suddenly they began to see in a way they
never saw before. The way that they now saw is actually destructive to their
humanity, not helpful in any way.
Genesis 3:7 (read), our perspective on life has changed
because we measure it on the question “Is it right or wrong, good or evil?”
We’ve lived so long in that system that it almost sounds
foolish or idiocy to suggest that it’s not the way God wanted us to live life.
It’s become a criteria of measurement*
Adam & Eves conscious awareness after eating from this
tree, was no longer one of bliss & peace with God. Their conscious
awareness now was consumed with physical things, with possessions, appearance,
relationship, all kinds of things were now invading them. Their whole mind was
directed down a path that was not totally focused on relationship with God. It
was now governed by the circumstances of life that they face. All because they
had chosen to live by the criteria “Is it right/wrong, good or evil”?
(Part 3 coming soon)