Let the trumpets sound (A Call
for men to rise up)

Part 1


* Just a notation
before reading, understand that when speaking to men, a different tone is and
should be used. So if you are a woman, you are more than welcome to read but
understand the tone is for the men.



the bible you can find numerous times that a trumpet was blown, in gathering
people together, announcing kings, a call to war and many others.  Even in amazing events like the walls
of Jericho coming down after the trumpet being played as the last act of
obedience. When the trumpets sounded, it was important and it was a call to
stop what you were doing and pay attention.


two years ago, God placed this passion in my life, a call to raise and train up
men. I am not the perfect example of a man of God but nonetheless God redeems
the broken and He continues His redemptive work in my life to this day. I was once a guy in his early to mid twenties who thought and acted like a little boy so understand when you read this I’m also speaking from personal experience. Yet, when it comes to what authority I speak under who I
am in Christ and a His call in my life is the only qualification I need. As I
have been traveling to these different countries on this world race mission
trip, God has been growing this passion. He allows me to see people groups who
lack male presence, have passive male presence, or have an abusive male
presence. Many emotions usually come with seeing all of this, to name a few: anger,
hurt, sadness, and frustration. 


believe we are in an age now where the lack of the male and fatherly figure
influences have destroyed not only families but has changed society all
together. Young guys wonder around in the dark looking for what a man truly is
because they have no real example and what they usually end up finding is what
“the world” tells them a man should be. A macho, beer drinking, womanizing, big
truck driving, video game playing guy who lives with his Mom. That is not a
man, it’s a boy who can shave. Responsibility is taken out of the picture for
most guys at an early age which then gives them false entitlement to be in this
so called “adolescent stage” in their 20’s, 30’s, 40’s and disgustingly enough
even into their 50’s. This is a joke. If your a guy and this is you, then you are a joke.


   All hope
is not lost, but it’s going to take a wake up call that I believe only God can
give, and only real MEN can respond to. 
So let the trumpets sound, because if you’re a guy and you are reading
this right now, God is calling YOU. He is calling you to take a stand, to grow
up, to get a job, to turn off the TV, to put down the video games, to stop
treating God’s daughters poorly, to stop being passive and reclaim the voice He
gave you, to get off the sofa and follow Him. He designed men to lead, but the
issue has become to either take a passive approach, or think leading is being
tough and chauvinistic or just flat out run away from the opportunities to


talking with many women that surround me on this trip, they often wonder where
the REAL men of God are. You can’t find that many in the mission field, in the
churches, and statistics show that out of all the people just in the U.S. who attend church 65% are women; that’s about 14 million more women
than men. The trumpets are sounding gentlemen. If you can’t hear them, it may
mean that you are currently a sweet little boy who needs to come under the
authority of God, grow up, step up, and man up and stop being a joke. Let God
grow you into the leader He created you to be, and stop bringing others
underneath your folly. Respond to the trumpets call, be a leader, be a warrior
for God, don’t let His daughters continue in suffering shouldering
responsibilities, spiritual and otherwise, that He designed a man to have. 


   Understand I write this with love, but when it comes to this
subject and with some men, I’m furious. I believe that anger is God’s and if
your reading this and you feel convicted then don’t waste energy and feelings
against me for writing it, you turn to God and talk to Him and let Him deal
with you on this.  Real men, are
tired of cleaning up your mess and God has sounded His trumpet to call little
boys, and boys who can shave to RISE UP and respond to the call to become a true
man of God.