I am currently at $10,100 with the pledges PTL. This means I only need $4,200 to be fully funded. I know it can happen and i have seen it happen (check out my blog about my new team and read about how i reached the last deadline we had). I want to thank everyone that has supported me this far because i couldn’t do it with out yall being willing to hear God and stepping out to support me.
I have some fun raisers coming up. Like yard sales, bake sales, and car washes. If you have a fund raiser you would like to do let me know and I can point you to people that would love to help you out.
I want to ask everyone else to dig deep into their pockets and just donate a one time gift of $20. That’s what, two trip to starbucks. It’s nothing, so please pray about giving. Also, if all you can give is $5, it’s fine because every bit helps and God will bless you and me through you gift.