Ok, so at debrief this past month a lot of stuff happened. On the first day we were introduced to our new Squad Leaders. The three that were picked ( Jake Morris, Chelsea Hughes, Courtney Buckner) were all former team leaders. Well the next day they also changed up teams. I will talk about the team a little later in the blog. After we found out our new teams we had about 2 hours of silence so that we could pray about the change and make sure our hearts were in the right place. Later we went out to eat with our new team to get to know each other. The next day we did ATL’s ( Ask The Lord ) as a team, which brought us closer together.
 Well our last night in Australia will be a night to remember for me. It started off with us having dinner as a squad and then we had some worship with a Ash and Ros ( they run the church we were at ). During  worship I was praying about my support and God spoke to me and said the words “it is finished.” At first i was doubtful that it was going to happen but then one of the other guys on the squad got up and said that the squad need to come together for me and another girl that was behind on support. Well they brought both  of us to the front of the room and prayed over us. After that our Squad leader Julie got up and said that as a family we should stand beside one another and that they should help us out if they could. Let me just tell you that i needed $3212 to meet the deadline and after everything was added up of what people gave or pledged to give i got $3214 PTL. God is my Provider.
Well now I want to talk about my new awesome new team. My new team is called “Salty Sheep.” I know you are laughing by now but there is a good reason for this name. The first part (salty) is found in Matthew 5:13-14- “You
are the salt of the earth…You are the light of the world.”  The second part (sheep) is found in  John 10:14-15- ” I am
the good Shepard; I know my sheep and my sheep know me — Just as the Father
knows me and I know the Father — and I lay down my life for the sheep.” So there you go.
From left to right: Me, Chelsea Cordell, Genae Lanier, Lauren Black, Chelsea O’Leary, Tiffany and Justin Hanes (team leaders).