This is a poem that I wrote for my identity class in CGA. Just thought I would share it. This does not reflect how I feel, so don’t worry


Jesus Take Control
By Michael Hall

Sadness and anger have overcome me,
The pain and misery for all to see.
Beat down by thoughts of suicide,
Just wanting a place to hide.
Life is hard to take,
When all it does is crack and break.
I know there is a light at the end,
But what’s the point when I can’t depend
On those that I love,
Or trust in the one that is above.
I know that Jesus washed my sins away
But why do I feel afraid.
Scared, anger, sadness
My mind is full of madness.
Jesus take control
Jesus take control
Jesus take control
Fighting and running away from Him
Pulling and tugging drawing me close to Him
Jesus take control
He holds me close til I grow tired
Til my pride is retired.
He wants to take control
so Jesus I pray that you take control