Dear you,

Today I officially announced my decision to resign by the end of the year to my company…
Today I turned 26, age which officially put to an end some of my personal dreams I held dear… But I’m okay with that.

A page has turned and a new chapter of my life is being unfolded by the divine Writer; a chapter in which I purposely choose not to hold the pen in any way. I do not know much about this new journey except for the glorious glimpses the eyes of my heart were able to see, the exuberant pounding of my heart and the joy the expectation brings me.

What I know is that I am leaving.

I am leaving and risking out of my comfort zone in order to give a chance for the seeds sowed within me to root deeper, blossom and bear good fruits. 
I am leaving and willing to wave goodbye to my current self with the purpose of discovering and embracing a transformed me, closer to who I was born to be.
I am leaving and thrilled to leave everything behind me, knowing that I will gain everything back hundredfold.
I am leaving to venture out for the World Race Fusion, an 11-month Christian mission trip program to 11 countries throughout the globe, with international participants. 


Trip itinerary

11 months of partnership with local churches, communities and ministries to serve the Lord and His beloved people (working in orphanages, bringing help and hope to children and adults trapped in human trafficking, preaching the Gospel, door to door ministry…).

11 stretching months to give and receive, to give comfort and receive comfort, to open eyes and for my eyes to be opened, to give hope and receive hope, to sometimes feel overjoyed and useful and sometimes weighed down and powerless…
11 memorable months to step in the great unknown, see the unseen, reach the unreachable, love the unlovable, be a disciple and make disciples of all nations.
11 intense months of close community and fellowship with my future team starting from January 2017, but the journey starts TODAY, with you and me and Him.

Though I might seem the main character of this chapter, it would be incomplete if it is written without you. This chapter is no longer a dream or a long awaited vision to come true in my life, but it is my reality, God’s reality and good plans. I am aware that with all the excitement and expectation every new adventure brings, tag along the crippling wonderings, the fears, the doubts, the insecurities and the lack of trust. 

Would you be part of this next chapter of my life by supporting me with your prayers, advices and wisdom? Would you help me stand firm and keep the prize right in front of my eyes when I start stumbling and seeing blur in the face of the challenges that will come my way?

Like most other missions’ organizations I am required to raise financial support to cover my field expenses over the year.
$16,617 to cover the food, lodging, travel expenses as well as administrative, setup, coaching, and training costs prior to and during the Race. My goal is to raise these $16,617 by December 2016 in order to be fully funded by the start of the Race.

Would you invest in my journey by supporting me financially through donations of any amount of your choice?Would you share with me your own experiences of fundraising? 


I would love to tell you more about what the World Race and what type of organization Adventures in Missions is. Do not hesitate to get back to me so that I can share with you additional information.

I love you all and I thank you in advance from the bottom of my heart for any kind of support you feel led to invest in me.

With love. <3