You know your in the African Bush when….

your jammed into a truck with as many people as you possibly can fit, gear and even pigeons, yes I said pigeons people. 

While driving, you cant remember the last time you had feeling in your legs

rice and beans, rice and beans, rice and beans, but hey, tonight your excited because its beans and rice!!!

you wake up everyday blessing the makers of the wet wipe… my shower for 11 days. (shudders)

kill your own meat days…. a goat with a dull blade, I leave the rest to your imagination

Peeing in the bush is second nature, bringing a friend for coverage is required

Adding to that, apparently the hole for the squatty potties are optional

Everywhere you go takes 20 seconds more to get too, that means anywhere between 1 and 4 hours

Allowing a woman to touch your hair cracks up the entire village and touching hers back puts people in hysterics

You wonder if you will ever be clean again, rain, dust, and red dirt… thats all I have to say

Spiders, flying cocroaches, malaria riden evil blood suckers, these are a few or our favourite things

Small children hide and cry when you come near because they have never seen a white person, and there are rumors that we eat people. (personally that one has been my favourite)

OH the bush, I wanted to upload some pictures for you, so stay tuned for scenes from the bush part 2 of this blog.