A man I heard once was telling a story about a village that he converted to Christ in Africa and over 5000 people were saved by his preaching. He was bragging. He was bragging about what he did. He was not boasting in the Lord and how God had moved in people’s hearts.   He spent one night in that village and then he left the next day… How many of them do you feel were saved and truly met with the Lord? On average follow ups show that its less than 1 percent.

This is a common issue that many people who serve as long term missionaries in countries face. They are constantly redirecting the Christians that were once saved years ago by the “white man” who came to their village and told them of this Jesus guy who can heal them and make life good.  Not all missionaries have a heart to see people really set free and to see people completely changed by the love, power and saving grace of our Lord.   It’s a numbers game and a way to show the churches back home a big story. But at the end of the day it is that man’s story and not God’s glory.   Missionaries should not be concerned about how many people are saved; they should be worried about discipling the ones that are saved.

And can we come in and be angry about the conditions of the church? Can we be mad at the pastors  teaching false doctrine?  Who told them about Jesus? What did they say? Did they sweep in with power, wow the crowd with a story of man who would heal them, and give them everything? And did every knee drop from desperate poor people who said, “Yes, yes I want that?” And did they claim success and then headed home? Too many sheep are left without a Shepherd to tend them, and in that way wolves can start sweeping in to pick them off. 

Did they forget the rest of the gospel? Did anyone tell them that sexually molesting their children is not okay? Did they tell pastor’s bribing their congregation is not okay, and having sex with virgins does not cure aids? Just some of the issues faced out here. Did they leave them the Bible and a way to learn about God? Did they explain to them that God is not just another god to add to the spirits they worship now and that he is the one and only God? The issue faced is what is the condition of your church?

Everyday new churches are planted in Africa. And while churches are wonderful, they are not the answer. What the world needs now is not another church; it needs love and truth, and discipleship. The greatest blessings in my spiritual life have been the awesome mentors God has blessed me with.   I should take the time to say thank you Pastor Sheryl, Sherri Lynn, Karen, Neva, Verna, Patti, Corrine and all the many other fabulous women of faith who have spoke so much wisdom into me and given me a good spiritual spanking here and there. I love you. 

There is a saying that one bad apple can spoil the bunch.   Unfortunately like all things, missions work has suffered a big hit of criticisms over the years. And there is a legitimate cause for such hostility. It is a real need and issue that does unfortunately happen here, leaving people like Jose and Naara to clean up the mess for lack of a better term. They have dedicated their time, energy, resources, and hearts fully into the people of Malawi. They are untangling the lies, corruptions, and breaking the bondage and most importantly discipling the body of Christ. 

So what is the role of the short term missionaries coming into a country?  The Bible says in Ephesians – equip the saints for the work of the ministry. They must do this. It also says to go and make disciples of all Nations. They must teach  the flock to know who the Sheppard is and to know the sound of His voice, that way when wolves come in, they will be able to recognize them for what they are.

It is not about converts, our glory or numbers for the newsletters and blogs.  If having to choose between 5000 people who confessed with their mouths that they are Christians, but continued to live the exact same lifestyles or between a handful of people who were completely radically transformed by the Lord and  living in truth with a child like faith, would you chose the later? God is calling us to focus on the one in front of us, to make disciples, to equip the saints. It’s not just up to the pastors. We are all called to build up the body in truth and in love.   When one suffers we all suffer.   Speak in love, bring the truth and let’s see Christians set free.   Unfortunately there will always be many who come in the name of the Lord, but testify falsely.   It is so vital to know the word of the Lord, to know the sound of the Shepherd’s voice and to teach others to hear it as well. This is our job church. This is your challenge. Go and make disciples of all Nations. Amen!