My best friend and I were talking and she said to me, “Doesn’t God love to show off?”  Yeah he does.  This is a bit of the ways that he has shown off in my life lately.

Last year at the begining of the year,  I decided that I was going to declare things for my life.  I prayed to God and told him the desires of my heart.  I asked him to spend the year pulling out all the lies, the junk, the unhealthy ties, and anything else that needed to be done.  Then I asked him for the world.  I remember saying, “All those dreams I have at night of me around the world, praying and leading children to you, can I have that God?  Will you let me go? I declared that 2007 would be the year that all these things would come to pass.  

November came and with it the realization that the year was almost over.  Then it hit me,  God had indeed showed off.  I was a whole new person.  I had battled the lies, the junk, the ties and I was walking in purpose and victory.  I am free.   So here I thought wow, you did good God it couldn’t get any better than this.   But there was one thing left.  He still had to give me the world.   So at the end of 2007, He did.  World Race October 2008 baby!!! Wahoo


The Bible says in Psalm 37:4 Delight yourselves in the ways of the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. 

So now that it has been a month and I am done pinching myself I thought I should get on here and write my first blog.  Side note on that…. blogging is no easy task.  I have deleted this twice.   I really struggle with random thoughts and the need for details so bare with me as I begin the feat of putting my life on page.