Have you ever sat down and really talked to a child? Not just a little hello here and there, I am talking a full out good hour or so of straight talk. Well you should. Let me tell you why.
There was a day when I was talking to a child and I jokingly told them that the sky was green. They said that it sure looked blue, but if I said so then it must be true. I thought about this for awhile and I thought a couple things. First I thought how scary it was the power we have over a childs upbringing and the responsibility that comes with it (That is a whole other blog though one as you know I am more than willing to preach about and will here in Back Door to the people raising the orphans here)
But the thing I saw the most was how willing they were to just say okay and not question it. They just trusted the source because well I guess I proved myself reliable. And here is the thing that I have learned the most about why Jesus tells us in the book of Matthew that we need to become like children…. are you ready? Children trust the source. We in the body of Christ claim that we live by the word and that we believe in the word, but if I can be so bold to make this statement and I shall indeed, we really have a hard time walking it out. I know I have and I dare not disclude myself from this word.
I talk to a child and ask them if God loves them. They say yes. I ask them if they think God can heal the blind, deaf, ill, they say yes. I ask them if they think God can make it rain skittles, they say yes (this last one would make me and my WRBBF very happy). And while you may say well yeah I believe that God loves me, do you believe that he speaks to you? Do you believe that he could make it rain skittles if he wanted to? Do you believe that the holy spirit is alive and active and that miracles do happen and can happen and not just here in Africa, but in Canada and that God wants to heal the sick, he wants to give sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf. He longs to see people set free. Do you believe this? Do you have faith like a child? Do you believe that he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world?
Do you believe that God wants to use you.. yup you reading this right now who may be thinking such foolishness as “good thing we have missionaries like Melissa and her team who are out there doing this and wow I just love these people they write about like Heidi and Rolland Baker and such who are having miracles happen each day… I wish I was like them and could do that.” Well here is the thing. You are and you can. We are all called to a radical faith. We are all called to minister, to pray and to believe. It really has nothing to do with me, or them or anyone of us, it has all to do with Jesus and his presence in us and his power, his strength, grace and his love. Pride has robbed the Lord for a long time of the Glory that he deserves, and lack of identity in Christ has robbed the body of Christ far to long of having the Glory of God revealed. We are Sons and daughters of the Lord.
Step out in faith like a child.
Stop thinking so much and just let God shake things up a little. God wants to have a little fun and play with His children a little bit. Put away what you think you know about God and let Him show you who he is. 
I tell you this month I have learned what childlike faith looks like. I saw it when a 7 year old laid hands on a sick child in church and went boldly after healing and healing came. He never doubted God and that faith was rewarded, and Gods glory was revealed. Are you willing to say I want that faith? I want to become more like a child, I desire and long for God’s word to be real and alive in my life. I desire to dance and rejoice and play with my creator. He longs for you. Your his child. Run into your fathers arms and have a little fun!