Powerful by worldly definiton – strong, independant, never shows weakness, wealthy.
Powerful by my definition – Community, tribe
Let me explain. In a fast paced world today, selfishness rules us, we are taught in all too subtle undertones and in your face slogans that “It’s all about me.” I have llistened my whole life to people saying things like, “You gotta look out for number one.” Where does that takes us.? It takes us to a place of independance, and greed. “Why worry about the other guy when my needs are not met. Better yet, why settle for just my needs when I can get whatever I want and who cares who I step on.” Sounds a little harsh right, well I say it to make some key points. Living for your wants, robs you of compassion for others, and trust. You can’t trust people because obvisiously they are looking out for number one too. It robs you from true intimacy. You can’t learn to press into someone elses heart when the relationship is about meeting your needs. I don’t see the power in this. I see a lonely person living behind a mask and a material world. Just like in a prison these people are living out solitary confinment in their minds and hearts,
Community living forced me to move out of my level of selfishness this year. Lessons that were so ingrained in me suddenly broke apart and I was left to pick up the peices trying to understand this interesting new life of true intimacy, vunerability, trust, and selfless love. What does that even look like, and worse how could having your weakness exposed and all your past mistakes come to the front lines ever be considered a powerful thing? Worse then that, now we have to deal with others who ugggh do life differently then me? I am going to have to learn to share MY things. “I mean seriously people if I have to do the dishes one more night because so and so won’t pitch in to help, I am going to snap lose it” Self righteous, selfish, judgemental attitude we all stuggle with at some level or another.
The Bible uses the illustration of the human body and how when all of it’s parts work together it
functions at its best. It also tells us that one part can’t play the role for another part. When we try to keep it all together, keep others away, and shut down, we limit the body from being at its full potiential. Just like an essembly line, if one part breaks down, then the whole thing is off. Community living ensures us that no parts are broken. The people work to make sure that everyone is being who they were created to be and are living out their full potential for the greater good of the community as a whole. It is hard and messy at times. But pushing through will not only take the focus off yourself but it will bring it to the true number one. (being community in Cambodia)
It will open up your ears to hear the promise and purposes God has for your life and you will now have the community behind you to help you walk it out. God commands us to love one another. It is not enough to say we do, and go to church on Sunday, we have to commit to a life of Acts 2 living. We have to commit to moving past our differences, our personalities and preferences. Prov 27:17 -As Iron sharpens Iron, so does one man sharpen another.
At the end of the day , one person can make a dent in the world’s needs a community can radically shift it. We need each other. When we can get past ourselves, then we will become more powerful then we can imagine. I leave you with a fantastic quote to chew on and to challenge you. “Real people are waiting on the other side of our obedience.”