This is a testimony of God’s greatness. September 2006 I became a Word of Life Intern. I had no idea what to expect when I signed up. Pastor Kim asked us on our first day to make a list of all the things that we wanted for our lives. I was to declare it, speak it and pray over it. Then we sealed it in an envelope and went on with our year.
Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the ways of the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Here was my list
1. 1. That I would be confident in Christ, knowing that I was loved and cherished by my heavenly father
2. 2. That all I would need was God to feel complete
3. 3. I would fall hopelessly in love with Jesus
4. 4. I would be walking in Victory, having overcome my past and moving forward with my future
5. 5.I would be heading off to a life of missions work, being trained and equipped to do so
6. 6. That I would be a business owner
7. 7. I would have the chance to see a miracle
8. 8. I would be knowing and walking in my redemptive purpose

Interns Grad Night!
I found my list. I opened it. Praise God I am well on my way. Today I am confident in Christ. I know that my father loves me, and though some times the life ahead of me seems daunting, I know that it is he who will give me strength.
I feel complete and whole lacking in nothing. God has shown me repeatedly that he is all I need. Some days are hard, but I know that this world has nothing that can offer me the peace that comes from being in Christ.
And I love him. I love him for what I know of him. I love him for the things I still need to learn. I love him because he loves me. I love him because he died for me. I love him, because he loves you too.
I am walking in victory. Each day is another step to the freedom that comes from knowing God. I do not know that broken girl that was so sad and full of hurt. My past does not dictate my future, but it serves as a learning tool and this powerful testimony of what only our God can do
Ah and then there was missions. Yes well we all know that came true.
The business owner one is great. That one was just a silly dream and I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do. But as of this week I am a business owner. I am excited and passionate about what God will do here with this business as its all for his Glory
I have seen many miracles. I believe I am miracle. 2 years ago all these were dreams, they all seemed so impossible. I could not see why God would choose to love me. I felt condemned and ashamed. I did not understand the capacity of God’s love, let alone feel it in any way. “Missions, ha like that would ever happen. Preach, yeah right. I don’t deserve a life of abundance, a life of promise, or a life of freedom. I don’t have what it takes to be used by God.” This was what I spoke about myself in the quiet of my room and the life choices I made were a reflection of the lack of love I had for myself.
Today I am a miracle of what God can do for you. I wanted all these things and two years later I am standing here walking out my redemptive purpose. He who Christ sets free is free indeed. That list showed up today, only two days after the last item was completed. It comes as I am getting prepared for one of the most exciting and biggest experiences of my life. God wanted to remind me of how great He is. I am just one live that has been changed. But my story will make a difference. My past will not direct my future, but it may help save someone else’s by sharing it. God is not done in me yet, but I will continue to press on. Phil 23:13 -14 Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.