Being out here on the world race has been the most amazing confirmation that I am exactly this year where I am supposed to be.  Each day you learn to submit more and more to God.  You learn the value of community and the body of Christ and you see what 53 people who are from different church backgrounds, ideas and thoughts can do when walls break down, hearts connect, unity is birthed and freedom reigns.  Kingdom is being brought out here.  Amazing and awesome things are happening.  Our squad is a body and we all have a part.  Without one of us we are unable to function in fullness.  


God has done some big things through us as you can see by reading our blogs and updates.  He has given each of us the chance to spend almost an entire year just serving him and learning what love looks like.  For that I am always so grateful. 


This being said. It took the time, energy, prayer support and financial support of many to get me here where I am today.  I know I have said it before, but I wont stop saying it.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  Today I  received an email that says that on April 1st 80% of our support was to be in the account raised.  Well I can say I have fallen a little short of that goal.   The race for me will cost a total of 14,200 American funds.  In the account I have 10,200.  Still coming in are the monthly pledges that total 1500.00.  This leaves me with 2500.00.  Though this number seems big, it is not impossible.  If I broke it down, 100 people I know donating 25.00 would do it.   Or if you can give 100.00 or 50.00 even 10.00 goes a long way.  Please pray and consider if you can support me in any way.  There are many of us that still need to raise our support.  My home girl Anna Coffey, My dear Bro Matt Williams, the dynamic duo that is Noah and Kathy Zelvis and the wonderful woman of God miss Kara Frate just to name a few, need your support and prayers as well.  Without these people here, we suffer.  I thank you so much for your faithfulness.  I pray that for every seed you sow, you will get a harvest of 1000 times back. Thank you and God bless you as always.  Sending you some love from Thailand. 