Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything in prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your requests to God and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally brothers whatever is true, whatever is noble whatever is right , whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praise worthy, think upon these things.
I was anxious when I arrived here. I just wanted to get out there and go. But God has quieted my spirit and settled me. This week is for training, pulling out the junk, the lies we believe about who we are, and moving into freedom. Right now I am being fed the words that will help me get through this year. These are the messages that I will carry in my heart to encourage, stir me up, and rebuild me.
I heard an awesome message that both got me excited but also a little apprehensive when I realized the depth of what it would all mean. Samuel was raised in the temple. Each year his mother would bring him a new coat. If it fit him at that time, then all too soon would he grow out of it. The coat had to be too big for him so he could grow into it. Right now what God is calling me to is too big for me. I am going to have to grow into it. Eventually it to will become too small and I will have to be willing to strip off the old and put on the new. It is going to have to take some dangerous prayers. I am going to have to want and desire to be radically changed. Comfort is a four letter word, known as fear. I have no room for it. It can’t go. Comfort says that I want to stay on my level playing field.
No I am done with comfort. I am done with resting in what I know, feeling like at times I have it going on. Let me tell you my friends, I have no idea right now which way is up or down, and I love it. I love and rejoice in this feeling of confusion, uncertainty, and this broken heart.
No longer do I feel anxious. I have a peace. It is the peace that surpasses all understanding, which can only be by God’s strength alone considering what I have asked him to do to me this year. I don’t know what this will look like, I do not know how I will be changed, but today I fix my eyes on the things that are good, I look with hope and I speak with thanksgiving, praying through this next season in my life.
Please pray for my team, as we were given our first ministry assignment.

This is a picture of us in our “new” team Luminous shirts (a gift from Lindsay and Dave to us) Pray please that we as a team grow into them.