We were just a humble team of six sharing a home that was so graciously given to us while we stayed in backdoor and then they arrived. Yes them… Brook and Desiree and turned our world upside down. Ha. Okay enough of the dramatics. Seriously though, team Luminous was blessed with sharing house space, ministry and some fantastic times with these two wonderful girls from Birmingham Alabama who had stayed on a little longer than there church to continue to volunteer their time.
Brook and Des seemed to have always been World Racers. They fit into our family so well and soon we were sharing meals, sharing stories, testimonies, prayer times, game nights and more. They showed us how to plant gardens, shared in the ministry ideas and doings. They helped us party for Lindsays Birthday. Brook even cut all of our hair for us free of charge. These are some stand up sisters yo! It was a real blast to have them with us and when they were gone I was feeling like I lost a part of the team. But here is the fun thing, I don’t think its the last that you’ll see of them. Brook have you applied for this yet???
So thats right I used up a whole blog just for you two fabulous ladies, whom I loved getting to know and who I will miss. Back Door loves you and misses you. Here is a picture of the girls crying when they heard that they had to leave us luminati’s….. or they were singing the wheels on the bus song, either way. And this one is Brook and Me in the back of the truck heading to the mall on a day off.
Three months in Italy… say less!
World Race Study Abroad 2024
The ultimate semester abroad in Italy – explore ancient history, vibrant culture, and deepen your faith. Join us for a journey that will equip you to impact the world, while earning college credit.
Embark on a Life-Changing Journey with The World Race: Gap Year!
Discover, Serve, and Grow – Join a Global Community of Change-Makers!
Explore diverse cultures, make a lasting impact, and deepen your faith on The World Race. Our global missions program is your chance to step out of your comfort zone and into a world of transformation. Join us on this extraordinary journey of service and self-discovery.
Explore Italy in 2024! Are you ready for a life-changing experience? 🌟
Immerse yourself in the rich culture, history, and beauty of Italy. Make a positive impact through service and community engagement. Challenge yourself, grow spiritually, and develop leadership skills. Forge lifelong friendships with like-minded adventurers. Don’t miss this opportunity to explore Italy like never before!
When you sponsor a child it not only provides a hot meal, clean water, discipleship, and basic medical care for the child, it also supports their family by inviting them through the gates of the CarePoint to receive training, discipleship and mentorship.
Consider linking arms with us to impact children, families, and communities in Eswatini, South Asia, or Guatemala!