You gotta love networking. I can’t tell you how much of what we are doing this year is because someone knew someone, who worked for someone that has a friend in need….you get the point. So when we were without a contact coming into our next country, I was not all that worried, because well somebody always knows someone.   Luminous has been blessed with wonderful contacts and ministries and I knew the Lord would send us to the right place.

And he did. We made some friends in South Africa who told us of a wonderful couple from Chilli who were now serving in Monkey Bay Malawi and they could definitely use a team for the month and would be happy to host us. So it was set and we would be joined once again by the awesome team Tikvah (shout out), who served with us in Haiti. 

I can tell you that writing my last blog about the ache in my heart and the time coming to leaving for Malawi was good.   I vented out my frustrations on the mission field, I let go of them, and I got some refreshing and some peace on things that weighed extremely heavy on my heart.  I was now ready to embrace whatever was heading my way, or rather I their way in Monkey Bay.

My team went ahead of me and I stayed behind to get groceries and travelled later with Jose and some more of those great Afrikan’s people. I am telling you everyone needs friends from South Africa. (Sorry you will continue to hear about how much I love them for years to come) So when I got to the house and the teams were settled, I didn’t initially notice the view. But then I stepped outside, not only have Jose and Naara been blessed with a wonderful house to fix up and use for Missionaries in the future, it is on the beach. Lake Malawi is 23% of Malawi’s territory and it’s simply stunning. With cliffs arising on both sides, and no sign of the other side, it is like starring out in the ocean. This is where I would be spending my month. Wow Jesus thank you.

Jose shared with us his vision for Malawi and for the property that he was blessed to use. I will share his testimony with you in another blog (read it). But for now just so you know how I will spend the month, I will be helping to fix up the houses and property here, and to fix up the house of Simon who works for Jose, he and his wife are expecting their fifth child very soon and they moved from a very extremely small house into one here, but it still needs some TLC and were excited to give it a little World Race Home Makeover.  Here is Jose and Naara with Simon and his family.

We are also each afternoon playing and teaching the children in the community.   It is an awesome thing, when you have the opportunity to play with children who are not used to being played with by adults. Many of these children may be from broken homes, and many may be abused physically and even sexually abused. We have 3 hours each afternoon to love on them and allow them to be children and have freedom and fun and we also have a great chance to teach them, and guide them in how they treat each other. They are gorgeous and loving them will be an easy thing to do. Pray for these children and our time spent with them. 

And we will be preaching and teaching in the churches and sharing with them our testimonies, leading worships, maybe doing some dramas and praying for the people. Along the way I hope we can build great relationships with the locals, who I hear believe that the ah-soon-goes (that is how it sounds), that is the white folks will eat them. Yup it is amazing the myths about us here in Africa. 

So this is our month at a glance. It should be pretty rockin\’. Stay tuned for more to come.