Ps 91: He will cover you under His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge.
“Don’t get attatched, she is going to die” 29 years ago a women looked into the beautiful little face of her week old baby and promised her that day that she would indeed live. Her hopes and dreams fading as her child continued to not take in food, not grow, not thrive. She would watch at night desperately for signs of life. In that time a single nurse would sit at the child’s crib and pray.
The womans name was Swanetta Willemsma and that little bundle of joy she never gave up on was me. Throughout my life I suffered from bladder, kidney issues. Phenmonia, Croup, Bronchitis, and the list goes on. I spent many days at home in bed, some days in the hospital, and lived on antibotics. I was the social outcast in gym class, they didn’t even bother picking on me. I was the kid that wet her pants in class, because the sub didn’t believe that I had to go every 5 minutes. It was hard on my parents, it was hard on my sister who lovingly helped raise me, and it was hard on me.
Being the “sick” kid you slowly begin to fade into the background. You stop taking risks because you fear you can’t do it. I grew up in pain physically and emotionally and with little outlet to release it. Doctors had trouble finding a source to everything. Some thought I must be faking it “No kid gets sick this much.” My mom suffered a simular story and therefore was convinced that it was just my lot in life, and that it wasn’t going to change and I would end up sick just like her.
29 years of infirmity and fear. 29 years of battling mindsets that told me I couldn’t, including my own mindset. 29 years of walking in a death sentence put on me from the day I was born. 29 years that Satan has been trying to take me out by infirmity. 29 years and the battle is won.
I woke up like any other day, aching, tired. I have learned how to live with the pain. I have learned to ignore it as best as I can and press into my day. I had learned to except it. WRONG!. I no longer except anything. I woke up today knowing God had something he really wanted to say. For the last 4 years I have truly believed that I could be healed of all the sickness that plaqued my body. I thought I was speaking life over me and believing fully for the healing to come.
But the thing of it is, the healing came. It was done the day Jesus bore all our iniquities and our pain. It was over then. It was the battle of the mind. It was taking captive of my thoughts.
I have spent 4 years walking out freedom each day. I have had healings of the heart again and again. I have had God drastically change my mind, my attitudes, my behaviours, and habits. I have experienced miracles of healing physically in many area. I grew an inch talller if you can remember that time. But it wasn’t done, God still was digging in one big area.
Whether we believe it our not the Bible says “life and death is in the power of the tonque” Choosing life, means speaking truth about yourself. I am not talking name it and claim it like “I am going to get a new car amen” I don’t want the things outside the promises of God. But God has given us promises in His word and He says he will tear down and build up. He will take out the things that are not of him, that are from the world, the result of our sins, our words against ourselves and the words of death spoken from others, and He will break the hold they had on you.
29 years ago a doctor handed my mom a death sentence for my life, and now God has handed me a new life sentence. A life of walking in his freedom. Today my heart exploded with a new level of His love so deep, so profound, so overwhelming that I weep at the beauty of it. It takes my breath away, and I am so intimatly by my God. The truth is my name is Melissa Betz and I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am his daughter and as His daughter he would go to the ends of the earth to fight for me. The truth is that I am his, he bought me back from a life of sin and a death sentence. He randsomed me and I am not bound to a life of sin, lies and fear. The truth is he didn’t do this for just me, he did this for you and now he is calling you out to say “hello my name is free”
(‘2010-01-18 00:00:00’, 72489, ‘B0E386C5AF3D4EC29BF35385CBF19C’, ‘melissabetz.theworldrace.org’, ‘hello-my-name-is-free’, ‘Hello my name is Free’, ‘General Articles’, ‘

Ps 91: He will cover you under His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge.
“Don’t get attatched, she is going to die” 29 years ago a women looked into the beautiful little face of her week old baby and promised her that day that she would indeed live. Her hopes and dreams fading as her child continued to not take in food, not grow, not thrive. She would watch at night desperately for signs of life. In that time a single nurse would sit at the child’s crib and pray.
The womans name was Swanetta Willemsma and that little bundle of joy she never gave up on was me. Throughout my life I suffered from bladder, kidney issues. Phenmonia, Croup, Bronchitis, and the list goes on. I spent many days at home in bed, some days in the hospital, and lived on antibotics. I was the social outcast in gym class, they didn’t even bother picking on me. I was the kid that wet her pants in class, because the sub didn’t believe that I had to go every 5 minutes. It was hard on my parents, it was hard on my sister who lovingly helped raise me, and it was hard on me.
Being the “sick” kid you slowly begin to fade into the background. You stop taking risks because you fear you can’t do it. I grew up in pain physically and emotionally and with little outlet to release it. Doctors had trouble finding a source to everything. Some thought I must be faking it “No kid gets sick this much.” My mom suffered a simular story and therefore was convinced that it was just my lot in life, and that it wasn’t going to change and I would end up sick just like her.
29 years of infirmity and fear. 29 years of battling mindsets that told me I couldn’t, including my own mindset. 29 years of walking in a death sentence put on me from the day I was born. 29 years that Satan has been trying to take me out by infirmity. 29 years and the battle is won.
I woke up like any other day, aching, tired. I have learned how to live with the pain. I have learned to ignore it as best as I can and press into my day. I had learned to except it. WRONG!. I no longer except anything. I woke up today knowing God had something he really wanted to say. For the last 4 years I have truly believed that I could be healed of all the sickness that plaqued my body. I thought I was speaking life over me and believing fully for the healing to come.
But the thing of it is, the healing came. It was done the day Jesus bore all our iniquities and our pain. It was over then. It was the battle of the mind. It was taking captive of my thoughts.
I have spent 4 years walking out freedom each day. I have had healings of the heart again and again. I have had God drastically change my mind, my attitudes, my behaviours, and habits. I have experienced miracles of healing physically in many area. I grew an inch talller if you can remember that time. But it wasn’t done, God still was digging in one big area.
Whether we believe it our not the Bible says “life and death is in the power of the tonque” Choosing life, means speaking truth about yourself. I am not talking name it and claim it like “I am going to get a new car amen” I don’t want the things outside the promises of God. But God has given us promises in His word and He says he will tear down and build up. He will take out the things that are not of him, that are from the world, the result of our sins, our words against ourselves and the words of death spoken from others, and He will break the hold they had on you.
29 years ago a doctor handed my mom a death sentence for my life, and now God has handed me a new life sentence. A life of walking in his freedom. Today my heart exploded with a new level of His love so deep, so profound, so overwhelming that I weep at the beauty of it. It takes my breath away, and I am so intimatly by my God. The truth is my name is Melissa Betz and I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am his daughter and as His daughter he would go to the ends of the earth to fight for me. The truth is that I am his, he bought me back from a life of sin and a death sentence. He randsomed me and I am not bound to a life of sin, lies and fear. The truth is he didn’t do this for just me, he did this for you and now he is calling you out to say “hello my name is free”